Larry wrote: "No, it would merely define what marriage is...a legal union of one man and one woman. "
In YOUR opinion. MY opinion would define CIVIL marriage as a union between two consenting adults.
You know what Larry? With all due respect to how fascinating I know pursuing this topic with you and others here might be, I think I'll pass.
Been there. Done that. Ad nauseam.
"You know what Larry? With all due respect to how fascinating I know pursuing this topic with you and others here might be, I think I'll pass. "
O.K. by me, I didn't introduce it.
No you didn't, I did, but not for the purpose of embarking on yet another going-nowhere "discussion"; rather, my intent was to suggest that equality most definitely ought to include all equal rights for gay Americans, including the right to marry (via CIVIL marriage) a same-sex partner.
g'night Larry.
And as you sleep tonight, keep remembering which one of the Americas sees all people as human, sees all humans as capable of love, sees women as equals to men, sees human rights as the truest path to peace and war as the surest path to disaster, sees communication between all people as the key to a safe future and rejects the use of fear as a weapon.
In one of the Americas tonight, you will pull your blanket of fear up to your nose, but you will not rest.
In the real America, we sleep naked while tens of thousands of dreams fill our ever expanding minds.
Be well
Joe Nation
That's all over now, Larry. Those who would impose their beliefs upon us are in total power and as we have already seen in Texas, there is no reason to have a debate when those in power hold all the cards.
Ask Tom DeLay if he believes there ought to be open debate on the question of the right to life.
Go ahead.
The first appointment to the Supreme Court will take place in less the ninety days.
Go ahead.
Ask Paul Wolfowitz if he thinks the US hegemony provides us a tool to reach out to other nations. Don't be surprised if he laughs in your face.
Go ahead.
Ask Colin Powell for the reasons he is leaving this administration and if he believes that in a second term Bush will make or lose progress in finding peace in Middle East. Ask him when his book will be ready to go to press.
This is the wrong gang to run an operation like the American Republic. They have already been a disaster, they are not likely to change.
Good luck, Pollyanna.
Joe Nation wrote:That's all over now, Larry. Those who would impose their beliefs upon us are in total power and as we have already seen in Texas, there is no reason to have a debate when those in power hold all the cards.
Insincere, passive-aggressive self-pity.
Insincerity seems to be the defining word these days. Bush was hated because he was 'selected not elected' in 2000 however absurd that was. Well he has been elected by a substantial majority this time, and I think the map will show that Kerry actually took a tiny bit of U.S. real estate in this election and county by county, the map will be 90% or more red.
Doesn't matter though does it? The left will still hate him and make it as difficult as possible for him to preside.
After all is said and done issues such as the war in Iraq, health care the economy and, etc., were dwarfed by issues of morality {religion}. The big winner in this election was religious fundamentalism. Have we become a mirror image of our enemies?
I hope not...I don't care for turbans....
Bi-Polar Bear
But will you enlist for the next crusade?
AU - please! You're beginning to sound like Osama's tirades about "crusaders and jews".
I feel strongly that religion is what divides this nation and is heading it in the wrong direction.
HofT wrote:George, Larry, any other fellow Republicans here:
leave these people alone, I enjoy reading their totalitarian ideas - the people have spoken, so the people must be wrong, and only the left knows the true path for the nation!
They are merely laughable at this point <G>
I am beginning to appreciate the meaning of HofT's comment above.
Yes AU, you explained that before. I don't agree with you, and - with due deference - consider that position to be typical of chronic paranoia prevalent in the jewish community.
Which reminds me - have you any breakdown of how the jewish vote went? Mostly to Kerry I would guess, but how about exact percentages? Thanks.
au1929 wrote:HofT
I feel strongly that religion is what divides this nation and is heading it in the wrong direction.
more correctly...the perversion of it by certain groups for their own is of small comfort to me, but a comfort nonetheless that these people are guaranteed a place in hell eventually......
I have long believed that the only comparrison to the knee-jerk democrat is the knee-pad republican. We the people are bought and sold on the commodities market with no greater value than pork bellies. Reading a2k for the past 48 hours has confirmed my belief.
Hello Dys! Nice translation in your signature but it should read "sur UN fil" and "A ma manière".
As to kneepads and porkbellies - isn't it a bit early in the day to be drinking?!