Joe Nation wrote:Yes, a bad night for Dems, but a very good night for terrorism.
I am devastated and emotionally exhausted. America may, in fact, may be "over". How sad. We are a country of similarities and differences, and every elected leader has a clear choice as to whether to underscore our common ground or use our differences to divide us. Bush and Rove have chosen the latter path, and it has worked for them. What they don't understand, however, is that, in the end, they will have destroyed the essence of this unique and remarkable country: our ability to be united by our commitment to common ideals - liberty, justice, equality - and, at the same time, to be strengthened and enriched by our differences. And what will remain will be a bland, homogenous, intolerant, self-serving, lock-step, fundamentalist Christian theocracy, a theocracy not unlike alQuaeda. The terrorists will have won, but not our defeating them; rather, by our becoming them.