I think if he were here today he would see he had failed and would get a sloop and venture off into the northern unknown to witness to the penguins, the new chosen race.
The fictional Jesus we have been accustomed to wouldn't agree with any current party, nor should most ppl.
My stand on politics in USA is middle ground that no party represents yet.
I am a sort of "Liberal conservative". I don't buy the "alienated pseudo-progressive" lefty dream, nor the right wing incapacity to adaptation. Things should be reviewed in their own merit, and not in terms of left or right. That said I am generally speaking way closer to Democrats than I ever could be to Republicans.
edgarblythe wrote:
I think if he were here today he would see he had failed and would get a sloop and venture off into the northern unknown to witness to the penguins, the new chosen race.
Of course I should have written southern unknown, since that is where one finds most penguins.
the other direction he'd probably get eaten by Polar Bears
But he risked his life calling out the Establishment.
Aside from turning over the tables of the money changers, I don't recall him doing that much, politics-wise.
Like a lot of politicians, he was seen with a prostitute
He did not have sex with that woman. And he never inhaled wacky weed.
I quite remember Jesus backing his own political campaign. His entire ministry was the equivalent of policy setting and promises to his voting public, kissing a few babies, taking part in public debates, touring the land etc.
Jesus didn't involve Himself with politics before. I do not believe that He would today either.
Incorrect! He was his own beautiful populist political movement with a commune philosophy.
He broke the law by repudiating the religious political establishment.
Recall the Pharisees?
Jesus' execution was brought about largely by the growing strength of his political power within the occupied Jewish community. Gee. The DNC and Bernie rush to mind...
It's a simple statement, not my belief
He would be a Palestinian I suppose, so he'd have to choose between Hamas and Fatah.
I think Trump would ban him from entering the United States otherwise he would grab away the Bully Pulpit and our dear Trump would weep for the great loss.
That is, Jesus is born a Dem..
Jesus today would end up in Gitmo, tortured to no end by the US army.