What made you smile today?

Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 06:57 am
The Father's Day tie my daughter gave me (Yep, a whole family of nerds).
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2016 08:19 am
I got this T shirt.

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Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 12:43 am
Singing along with this, this morning......

Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 12:56 am
Maybe this would have been more appropriate. Our children's future has been thrown away by a bunch of geriatric racists. They won't see the point in voting next election and there will be a huge shift to the right.

Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 02:40 am
seems like the plurality of the vote disputes your claims. SOunds more like youre saying,"Those grapes are too sour anyway"

I wonder who's next?

Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 04:51 am
The economic arguments for remain were overwhelming. The pound has already dropped to its lowest level since 1985. It's going to get worse, many multinationals are only here because of the single market, and that's gone.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 04:57 am
doesnt Parliament really have to approve the referendum. Over here the pundits are pretty much split down the middle.
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Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 06:39 am
farmerman wrote:

seems like the plurality of the vote disputes your claims.

Absolutely not. Part of Izzy's claim was about the generational gap in the vote. He claimed that youth would be turned off by this result, and an overwhelming majority of the vote (among youth ) for Remain supports that claim.

Adds: but this is a thread about smiling. I'm smiling because I know that 10 years from now if "England and Wales " is bent and broken by economic hardship, the EU will still take it back as a member.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 07:51 am
You're assuming Scotland (and probably N Ireland,) will have left the UK by then.

If so, I think you're right.

A lot of the leave voters will be dead before the impact of their vote hit home.
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Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 08:22 am
our conservatives alwayys play that exact card"Analyze pluralities " so they cn claim some kind of moral victory. Isee that same version with Izzy's.

I predicted a popular Brexit several weeks ago and he gve me **** . My dealings with Brits in my business takes the form of businesses in the precious and rare metals arena and I saw a huge plurality for "lets get the hell out",
(Not that I agree with t, Izzy was just flaming the messengers )
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Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 08:56 am
Britain should be none the worse if most of the voters based their choice on the reasons elucidated by Lordyaswas. The nation will most likely suffer an economic decline, the extent of which we can only wait and see, but the bottom line is self-determination.

In all sincerity, good luck to you all.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 09:21 am
Most of the voters based their vote on a dislike of immigrants. Most Leave voters are poorly educated and elderly.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 10:44 am
Fascistic tendencies are a problem.

So, since Cameron, who I believe is right of center, has resigned, will a far right PM take his place?
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 02:00 pm
Jo Cox was murdered by a far right supporter during this campaign. Now, I'm not saying Brexit supporters are all like that, my dad's one and he's not like that, but it has attracted the far right.

I think Cameron will be replaced by a more right wing individual, but UKIP are on the rise now and the problem is that if the young become disillusioned the right and far right will swing into power.

A lot of our human rights legislation, especially LGBT rights are from Brussels, along with worker's rights, hours, conditions, health and safety. They could all go very easily.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2016 02:06 pm
Thanks, that explains more to me. Urrg.

Ooops, I didn't mean to post on the smile thread - there are other Brexit threads out there.
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2016 04:05 am
I know, but I won't post on a thread started by Lash.
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2016 04:08 am
Back to the nature of the thread. Yesterday was my son's leaving assembly at school. He got his report and received excellent for attitude, effort and behaviour in every subject. I let him choose a couple of beers from the beer shop.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2016 10:36 am
Most of the voters based their vote on a dislike of immigrants. Most Leave voters are poorly educated and elderly.

Does Trump have British Cousins in UK politics????
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2016 12:44 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I'll pm you. I don't want to brexitjack the thread any longer.
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2016 01:55 pm
I thought there were other threads besides Lash's, but maybe not. Will pm you if I find one. (CI has one on the stockmarket, but whatever I was thinking of was more general.)
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