I haven't seen Benny Hill on local stations in years. I do remember seeing a documentary on his life, and he seemed very sad, certainly not a happy man. Ive forgotten most of the details but I suspect that most people lost their taste of Benny Hill after that.
No that I've made that comment it will probably pop up on one of the public stations.
I really don't understand "Keeping up Appearances", it just doesn't seem funny. But I never thought "Everybody Loves Raymond" was funny. The mother character was too over-bearing, just sucked the life out of the show for me.
What I find astonishing, is the number of Brits and Aussies working as actors in a ton of good TV. Americans in general can't do any British accent well, we mix them all up. But I am always stunned when actors are interviewed and their natural voice isn't a twangy Mississippi thing. I live right below the Mason-Dixon line and I can't do a twangy Mississippi accent. But the Brits and Aussies never slip up, it is spot on.