Yes, moving on is the smart thing with thread provocateurs. Not that I'm innocent of provocateuring, but even I applaud the tactic at some times.
I smile, seeing the combo of johnboy, dys, and jlnobody interact.
I'm also smiling that I had a brainstorm re my own garden's design, at no cost - re what to do re the area with the old juniper stump - build it up with my extra landscape ties, pile rocks, of which I have an excess sitting in ugly buckets, over the stump area, add a half wine barrel on top, plant barrel with a mix of perennials, some of which lally over the barrel.)
So, tomorrow to the barracades.. of stumps and clumps of exotic horrid grass, and moving and sawing of landscape ties, not that easy re the hand sawing.
Well, this'll take me more than an a day, but the idea seems good right now.