OGIONIK wrote:rainkeeper wrote:The World's Fastest Indian
Yeah it made me smile! Seriously, I thought it was a pretty damn good movie.
OGIONIK---You still ogling that girl!

ITS NOT MY FAULT, when i checkout her eyes are just staring at me, like more than ive noticed from a girl in years.
i hate it i wanna talk to her but im scared. i cant lie.
Psyche yourself into it.
Think of why you're scared...because if you ask her out, she...might...say....no....
Big deal. The reason us guys don't go and take the next step is because we're telling ourselves something negative will happen. But if you think of it, that "negative" is nothing but a positive...at the very least it's a lesson.
Think of it as a practice round. And if you come across confident enough, maybe she'll give you her email or phone number.
Come up with some stupid script to follow, tell her you need a female opinion on something, follow into a short conversation, tell her she seems like she may make an interesting friend, then ask for her email.
Dammit, I need to get myself back into the zone. I went through a stretch where phone numbers were pouring in....ok, I got three last weekend, but other than that, I haven't been doing as much approaching as I should be.