shewolfnm wrote:I reciently became the 'new person' in a large group of moms here in austin.
A yahoo group that is..
A sweet pregnant woman with a beautiful 2 year old daughter has been so very friendly to me.
Invited me to her small house party, makes sure I get small invites to parks, play groups, lunches etc.
She is a stay at home mommy as well and is just a wonderful person.
I hope she knows, that her every move and open invites, makes me so happy. And I love her to no end for her simple offers and easy conversation.
That is very nice - would make me smile too!
I got free breakfast unexpectedly today. Far less meaningful than some of these reasons, but I definitely smiled! Sometimes it's the little things, you know?
when we came back from the pool this morning, our neighbours dog greeted us with some barks across the fence. it was raining cats and dogs , but she made sure she was ready to protect our property - even from the other side of the fence - and collect her approprite reward : some dog-biscuits that i offered through an opening in the fence. having munched her treats she moved out of the rain. i'm sure she'll let me know this afternoon when i take the veggie scraps to the digester that she is ready for more rewards. good to know we have a neighbour who keps an eye on things when we are away. hbg
Nigel turns 17 today.
This morning on my way out, I tousled his hair and gave him a kiss on top of the head.
I used to have to bend over to do that.
Now he has to.
Time flies.
A funny...
A middle aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near death experience. Seeing God, she asked, " Is my time up"?
God said, "No. you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live." Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a facelift, Liposuction and tummy tuck. Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well look even nicer.
After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was hit and killed by an ambulance.
Arriving in front of God, she demanded, " I thought you said I had another 40 years ? Why didn't you pull me out of the path of the ambulance?"
God replied, " Girrrlllllll, I didn't even recognize you."
Francis wrote:Eva wrote:Did I miss anything good?
Have you been even better than usual, Francis?
I would hate to miss that!
Taking the streetcar to the subway to catch the bus home <I try to use as many forms of transit as possible in every trip

> - and R.H. Thompson got on the streetcar. He's kinda Canada's Sam Shepherd. Verra verra cool to be taking the transit with him.
I came here for a smile, I got a chuckle - good one eoe!
The Lovely Bride bought a Bagel Guillotine yesterday.
I used it this morning on bagels for the the lad's and my breakfast.
And I hummed "La Marseillaise" as I brought down the blade.
Full moon was still shining high when I got up this morning and I fed the horse by moonlight.
Wow, Piffka.
I just got a great image in my mind from that!
Not today, but yesterday: Received a PM from Hebba to celebrate our 3rd A2K anniversary! (We both joined on the very same day, 3 years ago.) How's that for a great memory & thoughtfulness?
Aw, happy belated birthday MsOlga. I can't believe I didn't know/remember one of my favorite A2Ker's birthdays.
Thank you, dag & k!
Actually, if I didn't have the odd reminder each year from Hebba, I'd just think it was like any other day!
You know Olga, that´s about all I do on a2k these days.
I know, hebba, you're very scarce!
I'm always pleased to get that PM, though!
hebba wrote:You know Olga, that´s about all I do on a2k these days.
But you must visit here a bit, hebba. What a surprise appearance this one was! I mention your name & there you are!