We won a free fill-up of gasoline at a local service station!
Great, great story, rjb. I will remember that one.
It's payday!!! Wheee! For lunch, I went to this little Italian place and had a chicken and artichoke salad. (num..num..num..num...gulp!!)
And....It's payday!!! WHEEE! (running through the house) WHEEEEE!
Anybody else want to "Wheee?"
It was payday for me as well - and I got reimbursed for the course I'm taking. So I went to the bank, and got some U.S. cash for next week's trip to New York City.
It's fun, isn't it?
It's fun for me, but my manager's been finding my giddiness a bit disconcerting.
I think he thinks I'm about to quit.
RJB, thanks for that wonderful story.
I'm watching "Good Times." It's f'n hilarious. I haven't seen this show since I was a little kid.
So far it is.
"I had Mrs. X in sixth grade."
JJ: "I had her in sixth grade too. Twice!"
Oh yea, and it's edgy....like "All in the Family."
They just said "spook."
I won a Trek mountain bike tonight at a bar through a raffle. I have to send in my measurements and they'll ship the right size bike to me.
Joining this site made me smile today....
hello, hwa! Welcome aboard!
slapster, that is neat, slapster. do you know what model it is? in any case, any fitted bike is good for ya. congrats.
Note to self: stay alert on the trails
It's a Trek 820, a cheapie. I already have another bike, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it.
[size=7]However, it may be a little rude to sell it right away, since I am friends with the person who did the raffle...wink wink.[/size]
You could always donate it to the
"Fund For Geezers Who Have Been Pedaling
The Same Two-wheeler For The Last 12 Years."
I know the director.
yes, and make sure they fit it for g... i mean the director himself.
Well, I know what's the place to be tonight. First, a few days ago, that guy I know at Tilos Radio sent an email about this "Sonic Tags" event tonight. Then, last night, one of the girls at the Internet cafe told me that there was this thing, and I should go there, definitively!, and it was the same thing. Finally, this morning outside my work, I met this Slovenian girl who once did a stint volunteering at my old job in Holland, and who turned out to be here for a conference. She said I should come tonight to this thing, she was one of the people who would have an installation on there ... same thing. All this in a really small place, mind you.
That was funny, btw, meeting her like that, just coincidentally, here. Hadnt been in touch since she was in Holland (had meant to, not gotten round to), total surprise on both sides. Small world!