5 hundred bulbs?! Wow. That's gonna be gorgeous next spring, tho...
(I love that you started the rumor rather than heard it... :-))
E.G. got an evaluation yesterday from his higher-ups. He asked me to read it with a somewhat grim expression, I braced myself though I didn't see how it could be bad. Proceeded to read a very professionally low-key but nonetheless rave review. On the second-to-last page, a long and dizzying list of all the stuff E.G. has done in his year here (talks, committees, papers written, etc., etc.) wound up with, "While this service is admirable, we suggest that he spend..."
then a page break. Uh-oh, they're getting the criticism in at the end. Spend more time on papers and less on the other stuff? No, he's publishing up a storm. Will it be about grants? I turn the page.
"...more time with his wife and daughter."
Sincerely, etc.
Made hotel reservations for my birthday trip to NYC. More expensive than I thought but not so bad considering it will be 3 of us. Yay!
High five indeed. To Soz and her man.
Yay EG! (And yay for Soz and Sozlet, too.)
well done Mr Soz
I smiled when I finally (almost) finished 2 large canvasses and realised the small adjustment needed to make them work - going to the line as always as I have to deliver them on Thursday to the gallery
It wasn't so much my smile, because I've seen it before ...
on my way out of Frankenmuth, getting ready to drive back to Tranna, stopped to tank up
went inside to pay, and found a small group of people looking out the window and laughing
turned around and saw Bailey, standing on the driver's seat with his front paws on the steering wheel
looked like he was getting ready to drive the car back to Tranna himself <he looks strangely competent standing there at the wheel - like a ship's captain>
I smiled because he made a group of strangers in a gas bar smile.
Just to wrap up some thoughts before the weekend:
--congrats to eg and you, soz. Sounds like yall have found, in Columbus (?) a place where yall are happy to live.
--500 bulbs on two acres around my hundred year old house and the "cotttage," which 50 years or so ago used to be a general store. And the five new townhouses and the new little office building. It will indeed be cool next spring.
So the rain (remnants of tropical storm Tammy-where did she come from) held off until just after the Stones finished their show in Cville last night.
Traffic afterwards was, I hear, a total nigh6tmare. An hour to go three or four blocks. The explanation from the authorities is that. on football days, 20% of the folks leave during the fouth quarter unless it it is a really close game. Here, no one left until it was over. Makes sense, I guess.
Anyway, after about the third song, just as Mick was starting to introduce the band, the stage area and many of the front row seats were evacuated for about 45 minutes. Some asshole phoned in a bomb threat. The show ended just after midnight.
One of my customers and his wife went and had pretty good seats. He commented that it was a great show and Jagger, at 62 or whatever, is incredibly fit looking. He pranced and danced for three hours and will, presumably, do it again tonight in Durham, NC. Keith Richards, on the other hand,,,
Let's hear it. What about Keith?
It's been said that a picture is worth 1000 words. How many would be contained in this one?
JoanneDorel wrote:
Quote: My good friend's at A2k made me smile today.
I wish we could have done more.
That's a natural response, dag. However, I think we did plenty. She was fond of us, and she felt connected. It's obvious in the final message her husband relayed. It's just possible she might have left sooner if not for us. We'll never know. (And THAT's the hardest part.)
At any rate, I believe we must have been one of the bright spots in her life. And I think we should try to content ourselves with that.
Like the song says, BBB, it's "wisdom born of pain."
Thank you, though.
i know i know. but there will be always so many if's in any life story...
EVERY life story, dag. Every one.
exactly. every single one. i'm hearing and agreeing.
It's a wonderfully mild, sunny autumn day here in Munich. About 50 yards from my house, the runners of the Munich Marathon are running by as I write. Lots of skinny people with pained grimaces -- my home sits near kilometer 39/mile 24. Lots of bystanders clapping, whistling, cheering, and rattling. Lots of musicians along the road; the band nearest to me is playing Chuck Berry. In other words it's the typical, party-like scene you'd see any big running event anywhere in the world.
Except for one thing: The service stands along the track are serving alcohol-free beer as an energy drink:
Löwenbräu Weißbier, to be precise. Only in Munich ...
Spending the day with my friend, B.
We both needed to spend some time chilling and talking and being girls together.