BBB's son got a job
My son gave me good Birthday news. He recently sold his California home and bought a new one in Florida. He got a new job with the same company that he started his career with in California in 1978. He got the job he wanted for more money than the company usually pays. My son has an excellent reputation in the industry and they didn't want to lose him. He had a back up job offer---just in case---with another company.
I'm really smiling big time at this news.
(are they hiring?)
George wrote:Excellent!
(are they hiring?)
George, do you work in the commercial landscape industry?
My son's job is only 15 minutes from his home in Brandon, Florida (just outside of Tampa Bay.)
Papa cardinal feeding very hungry (and very young) baby cardinal in the tree just outside my window.
seeing my commander blame me for a mistake and then realizing it was actually his....
A 7:45 am phone call from my doctor.
I havn't smiled yet today but know you gave me a mission i'm in Orange County Calif.Very nice out side
Hey, welcome Amigo! It's nice to have you here at A2K.
Keep us posted when that smile happens!
Lady J, I didnt see your post even though it was right above me(Bad Amigo).Any time someone gets a call from there doctor that makes them smile that makes me smile. you helped me complete today mission.We live onther day lady J and the sun came up.can we ask for more
Lady J wrote:A 7:45 am phone call from my doctor.

I take it that meant good news, J?
Receiving mails from far away friends make me smile...
getting back into bed after letting the dogs out at 6 a.m. made me smile
Remembering my night out last night made me smile. Saw old friends, heard loud music, met interesting people.
yea same here i love going out with friends
The Danube is really high. You wouldn't know it: there's been no storms, no howling wind; it rained a coupla times last week, but there was not a cloud in the sky today. Yet the Danube is really high.
You only know when you're, well, by the Danube; there, where normally a flight of stairs crumbles down from the riverside highway, thirty, fourty steps perhaps, which you amble along somewhere midway down, now the water laps by the very top step. Just another half a meter, perhaps, and the river will lazily spill over the throughfare road.
The river itself is extraordinarily muddy, yellowish brown rather than blueish grey, and though the river's general appearance of unconcerned calm and restraint makes you first not believe your eyes, it's carrying along some major driftwood. Whole treetrunks sail past, torn off treebranches as large as myself float by like it's the most normal thing.
But the rising water saves its most flattering sight for after dark. When you're walking on Margit Island, along the narrow path by the shore, and you look across to Buda, you see a city lit by the yellow light of streetlights, traffic lights, each in turn reflected in the water. And there, on the Buda side, again a major throughfare skirts the riverside. There's two roads, in fact; the main traffic goes down the big road 'upstairs', while to its riverside, a street for local traffic is directly below. This street is now right on the waterline. Seen from across the river, street and water are literally layered onto each other, and the cars themselves seem to literally drive on the water surface.
Um, nimh, so where are all of the tree limbs and water coming from on the Danube. You are in Hungary (I believe). Before Hungary, it flows through Germany and Austria (as I recall from high school geography - I may be wrong). Heavy weather, there?
I suppose so! I dunno really.
I did hear about floods in Holland, Belgium, France - around there somewhere - but wasn't that already a week or so ago?
There were also big floods here in Hungary (didnt notice anything in Budapest, but in the countryside apparently) - but that was a coupla weeks ago. Perhaps now again, I cant follow the Hungarian news yet!
I've never been good in cause and effect relationships ...
Oh there was fireworks again too. Saw it from the distance this time. Pretty. (That a traditional summer passtime here or somethin?)
Beautiful son visited today with lovely wife.
Seeing them exchange little, discreet squeezes of the leg, absent caresses while we talked...their smiles...their stories of caring for one another during a cold or flu.
Protestations about gifts with no occasion, but seeing on their faces I got it right.
Seeing his quiet, blend-into-the-woodwork sister ask for a hug--and their sweet smiles to each other.
A glorious day.
Lash wrote:Beautiful son visited today with lovely wife.
Seeing them exchange little, discreet squeezes of the leg, absent caresses while we talked...their smiles...their stories of caring for one another during a cold or flu.
Protestations about gifts with no occasion, but seeing on their faces I got it right.
Seeing his quiet, blend-into-the-woodwork sister ask for a hug--and their sweet smiles to each other.
A glorious day.
Reading your post made me smile!
Can't help but smile when I read about two people so in love.
Wonderful day for you indeed!