Just looking up in the dark street and seeing a five-story, old, building, the streetlight hanging from a cord across/above the road - knowing I live in a city like Berlin, Prague or, well - Budapest - having gotten out of Utrecht!
Also, I went into this cute, sidestreet cafe around the corner thats tiny out in front but has another room in the back (that in turns opens out to an unexpected East-European-looking set of random grass, fifties tenement building and obscure gasstation/factory type building, with an actual cat in it - dont know why you never see cats here - but that on an aside). The place is a more downmarket, no-nonsense type of bar, Guns'n'Roses on the stereo, and yet alternative or arty-looking, a Captain Beefheart type of place, filled up with random found-object furniture (the barman was just repairing an old ventilator they'd found on the street), some kind of wall painting going on. Just a few regulars in, talking, saying hi to the new ones arriving, a group of four in the back, family or friends, and safe the lone guy drinking his beer and smoking his cigarettes in silence by himself for twenty minutes people are actually like, acknowledging each other and stuff. Just themselves, no fuss. Just a neighbourhood caf, except it looks like its for alternative types of previous decades who never made it.
I liked it. I was heavily out of place, editing papers like I had to (which I didnt wanna do at home), and I only chatted a little bit with the guy repairing the ventilator (well, how much can I say, in Hungarian), but it made me realise that, enough with the fancy places with suave youngsters and English-speaking expats already (they're not tourists, you know - just so you know). The glamorous over-the-top hipsterism of Leroy and the like is one thing, but even Sark (which I have the luxury of living across the street from) or Szimpla and the like are all hip too in their nonchalant cobbled-together way - it's still students and expats who wont look you in the eye and stuff. I'd forgotten that my favourite Utrecht cafe was
Ledig Erf, not