Re: Cheesehead Central
WooHOo! Sozobe got the cheese back on! It's about time darlin!
Is that Brie that crazy woman's wearing?
sozobe wrote: Did you SEE Brett's block??? Oh my god that was so ****ing cool. His grin when he got up is why I love that man.
Hell yes I saw it! and that grin is part of why I love that man too!
sozobe wrote:I only learned about Mike Sherman's talk with the team from the commentators tonight. Go Mike. Emotion, yeah. Some kick-ass play calling tonight!! Can he keep doing it all year? Won't that impact his head coaching performance if he has to do both?
He has to do both! Remember all the bitching I was doing about Tom Rossley... he's worse than Donetell was on D if you ask me. Go figure, as soon as he's to sick to call plays we start winning!
Anyway, back to the point: Yes, he can call plays... lots of head coaches do. He should probably give up the GM job but I imagine that one's pretty easy to delegate 95% of the work load of anyway. Trades are done for the year... and our rookies have filled the holes acceptably anyway in my book. Most GM stuff won't come up again until the off season.
How great is it to have Grady Jackson back? That defense just isn't the same without a "grave digga" in the middle. Pity, them humongous guys age so quickly in this game.
Javon Walker is going to get expensive. That boy's become a man... and how about Najeh Davenport's running. Ahman is still amazing at making guys miss but boy would I hate to get hit by Najeh! And then Tony Fisher comes in to throw the TD! This team is so back heavy it's crazy and I love the way Sherman mixes them up. That He does well. And just think how honest defenses have to be when they're thinking even our third halfback is a threat to throw an option!
I hope Marco Rivera's okay. After loosing Flanagan, I didn't think we'd be able to protect Brett... but boy have they. On the other hand; I think you'd have to saw his leg off before he wouldn't play. Marco's tough like Brett.
sozobe wrote: I'm LIKING what I saw, though. Those guys were having fun.
You and me both. For the first time I think this year Sherman was exchanging high fives with a smile in his eyes instead of that "still concerned look". A Brett Favre having fun is pretty unstoppable!
And even with our line damaged; we could always give them a heavy dose of Davenport to wear guys down before letting Ahman decleat umÂ… like Alstott and Dunn used to in Tampa.
Oh yeah, and now Antonio Chapman is even turning into a receiver, too!
Yikes, I'm babbling giddy over here. I'll shut up for now.
Let's don't anybody tell Gus about this thread, eh?
Ps. I gather you're pretty excited too! I've never seen you say "****ing cool" before.
