Dookiestix wrote:Kerry is going to win this election. Bush needs to go, because he is currently the most dangerous imbecile to be allowed into the Oval Office. His Daddy has helped him in EVERY aspect of his life; the National Guard; P.U.L.L.; getting on the Board of Directors for Harken; getting into Yale; etc., etc., etc. Judging by how this man operates, communicates, and destroys the english language every time he opens his mouth, it is no surprise that he is not running this country. When 60% of Republicans still believe Saddam had a hand in 9/11, it's understandable that they would believe whatever bullshit their illustrious leaders tell them,
because it's been Karl Rove and Dick Cheney who have been running this stunning failure of a presidential sideshow, and it's time for all of these imcompetent, lying morons to go.
What is amazing, not humorous is the constent whining about Bush. The Cheney/Rove fantasy is getting old.. Really..
Kerry is the joke.. Swiss boarding school, married twice to money. He never did anything in his life, except pretend he was a Senator.. That really qualifies him... I prefer Bush misspeaking to that drone Kerry has. Because you don't like the way he speaks, is a realllllly good reason to vote for the elite Kerry. I mean, if you can't see through his lies, him unable to make a decision on whether or not he was for the war. There is a problem.. The lies of the Democrats are obvious but you guys are so blind you can't see... That is amazing! Now here is a guy that has the courage to take both sides of the war in Iraq... That's real reassuring..
I feel safe with this guy, not!
KERRY: Left to his own devices, Saddam Hussein will provoke, misjudge, or stumble into a future of more dangerous confrontation with the civilized world.
KERRY: Yes, I would have voted for the authority.
KERRY: It's the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time.
KERRY: I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein.
KERRY: We have traded a dictator for a chaos that has left America less secure.
KERRY: I'm glad Saddam Hussein is gone and I supported the notion of removing him.
KERRY: Those who believe today that we are not safer with his capture don't have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be elected President of the United States.
KERRY: To abandon our troops and recklessly leave Iraq, that's irresponsible.
DAVID LETTERMAN: If you had been elected to President in 2000, November of 2000, would we be in Iraq now.