McGentrix: Oh. From the way you talked I thought you knew who it was instead of the terrorists who flew airplanes in the towers.
I don't know who it was. That is something that remains to be discovered by a real investigation.
But let's assume for a moment that the official story about 19 Arab hijackers is true. They flew jets into WTCs 1 & 2.
That has nothing to do with the fact that that, or they had anything to do with the collapse of WTCs 1, 2 & 7.
1. The only fuel the alleged hijackers brought to those two towers was jet fuel. Correct?
2. Then, office furnishings were added to the mix. All this combined fuel burned at low temperatures. Correct?
3. Those temperatures were measured by NIST and other independent scientists for the twin towers. These temperatures could not have ever reached temperatures high enough to melt steel, to vaporize lead, to vaporize steel, to melt molybdenum, and yet there were these molten metals.
Melting points F
steel 2600-2800 F
molybdenum 4750 F
Jet fuel and office furnishing cannot do this. That means that there was some other fuel source there that had no legitimate business being there. The alleged hijackers didn't bring it, but someone had to.
NIST does not report or discuss any temperatures that would have come anywhere close to those necessary to either melt or vaporize steel or melt molybdenum.
Why wouldn't NIST do this when there is so much evidence of molten metals?
4. There were numerous reports of molten metals at all WTC sites.
FEMA described steel columns/beams that had been vaporized for WTC 1 or 2 and for WTC7. That requires temperatures much above the melting point of steel.
A New York Times reporter quoting one of the FEMA scientists; "“[S]teel – which has a melting point of 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit [1538°C] – may weaken and bend, but does not melt during an ordinary office fire.
Molten metal poured from WTC2 minutes before it collapsed.
5. WTC7 was not hit by an airplane yet it collapsed at free fall speed at around 5:20PM on the same day.
NIST itself, described that free fall scenario which illustrates that the alleged hijackers did not bring down WTC7.
There is no way known to man to cause a building to come down at free fall speed except for a controlled demolition. The alleged hijackers had absolutely no way to have set up a controlled demolition.
But in WTC7 too, as mentioned above, vaporized steel was found. Jet fuel and office furnishing cannot reach anywhere close to the needed temperatures. Some other fuel source capable of vaporizing steel, of melting molybdenum [4750F] was needed.
The hijackers could not have provided such fuel sources. Someone else had to. Why? Because they were these molten metals that were in evidence and that require temperatures much higher than the temperatures that could have been reached with jet fuel/office furnishings.
6. There is currently a full engineering study taking place at the University of Fairbanks - Alaska on WTC7. The final results are due out in May 2017.
The study is being done by Dr. Leroy Hulsey, a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the chair of UAF’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Dr Hulsey did computer simulations that went far towards trying to support the ideas of NIST. In other words, he erred repeatedly on the side of NIST.
When asked by the panel of attorneys, “On a scale of 1 to 100, how probable do you think it is that this building [WTC7] could have collapsed simply because of the fire?” Dr. Hulsey stated categorically, “Zero.”
Asked if he would flunk one of his Ph.D. students for turning in the kind of analysis that NIST did, he replied emphatically, “Yes.”
7. Take a look at NIST's computer simulation of the collapse and the real life videos of the collapse, and you will understand what he means. They ought to have a resemblance to each other. There is no resemblance.
Actual video of WTC 7 destruction undermines NIST computer simulation