Finn d'Abuzz wrote:dlowan wrote:Oh god! Not that thing again.
I do remember, and I find that drivel an absolute insult both to me and to the people who died.
I find this reaction puzzling.
In what way is the message stupid or senseless?
Why do you feel insulted by it, and more importantly why do you think it insults the people who died?
because it is politcal rhetoric that implies only those behind pres bush know how to be patriotic americans...and if you can't see that...then you are more lost than i thought.
panzade wrote:The families of the survivors and the victims have begged the candidates not to use images of 9/11 to further their agendas.
A trip to the hearing center for you Xena.
I ran this clip several times and can't find any endorsement of or association with a political candidate or organization. Did I miss something?
Did they beg other ordinary citizens to not use images of 9/11 in anyway?
And if they do, how is this offensive to these families?
Did you stop reading after those two sentences, Finn d'Abuzz, you quoted from dlowan's post?
Or what are you trying to do NOW???
Craven de Kere wrote:
And as an added bonus you get to eliminate any semblance of Democracy!
The democrat party doesn't do anything for democracy. In fact, most rational people if they didn't know anything else about the subject would look at the dem party and figure anything related to it in any way, including democracy, had to be a bad thing.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:let us not forget the Oklahoma city bombings either...I suggest we round up all caucasian Midwestern Christian boys who look like they might be in frats and move them to internment camps.....
Agreed, we should not forget the Oklahoma city bombing.
What I'm having trouble with is relevance of your next suggestion.
Not only did I not see in the video clip a reference to a current political candidate, I most certainly did not see a suggestion that anyone be rounded up and put in internment camps as a response to 9/11.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Why do you feel insulted by it, and more importantly why do you think it insults the people who died?
Because their deaths, and the acts that led to their deaths, are used to further a political agenda that is completely separate from that horrendous tragedy. The event of 9/11 address us as a nation and more broadly has a culture. It is not the possession of a single political party or political point of view.
The postings in this thread are utterly fascinating.
But duties call, more latter
You know, as long as I've mentioned Fritz Mondale here...
When you look at all the losers and super-losers the dems have run for president in the last 100 years, the democrat hall of shame as it were, there are several who stand out and there is one who stands out as the the point at which the dems irrevocably lost touch with reality in the modern age, i.e. Adlai E. Stevenson.
The 52 election was your basic heavyweight vs chickenweight fight, the man who just won WW-II and saved the world, vs a leftwing nerd whose own mother wouldn't recognize him. Joe Louis vs PeeWee Johnson. The dems were sitting around for years trying to figure out how the American people ever got messed up enough to vote for Ike over old Adlai.
gungasnake wrote:Craven de Kere wrote:
And as an added bonus you get to eliminate any semblance of Democracy!
The democrat party doesn't do anything for democracy. In fact, most rational people if they didn't know anything else about the subject would look at the dem party and figure anything related to it in any way, including democracy, had to be a bad thing.
You fail to comprehend my meaning. It was not an equation of the Democrat party to democracy but rather a statement to the effect that your silly notion of "outlawing the democrat party" would result in the cessation of democracy.
Nature abhors vacuums. Outlaw the dem party and some new party would rise up overnight to take its place. The new party would have to be better because it couldn't be worse.
gungasnake wrote:Nature abhors vacuums. Outlaw the dem party and some new party would rise up overnight to take its place. The new party would have to be better because it couldn't be worse.
A replacement party would not negate the assault on democracy that outlawing the Democrat party would represent.
The clip is supposed to remind us that we need to support our troops and the reason why they are fighting.
Some people disagree whether or not Iraq is part of the war on terror. I don't seperate the two. It is the hight of hypocracy for the Dems to say Bush lied or he mislead us into it because for years before Bush came into office they were warning us of the threat Saddam was. Using Iraq for their political purposes is disgusting to me.
Kerry is a master of turning Americans against his own country. Gore, Ms. Clinton and the rest have not done us any favors. I voted for Gore and I can see how dishonest it was for them to go that route.
I have been accused, attacked and called all kinds of names. All I see from the ones who support Kerry is hostility. They can call Bush the worst of names and are upset when you say anything bad about Kerry. The Swiftvets are called liars, when they idolize Michael Moore.
The hate cannot be measured on their side. On all the forums I'm on, it is the Kerry supporters who spew the most hate posts. They don't show evidence but rather we should just listen to their opinion, just because.
When has the Dem Leadership condemned the attacks and the shootings of GOP HQ's around the country? They haven't. That along shows they must condone it. Don't think the country doesn't see it either. They shouldn't be surprised when Bush wins.. They have themselves to blame, but of course they won't, they'll find a scapegoat..
November 3 will not be pretty no matter the outcome, IMO.
While I can certainly understand, why some are taking offense to Xena's interpretation of the clip; like Finn, I don't see anything political in the clip itself. The responses here confused me enough to watch it a second time as well, and the offending material eluded me again. When I see "NEVER FORGET" on a bumper sticker it reminds me of unity we experienced and felt after 9-11, not the exploitation that followed. And frankly, for the victims sake as well as our own, we should Never Forget.
Xena, you poor dear thing, you keep confusing "Kerry supporters" with "Bush opponents".
Granted, it may amount to much the same thing in the end... Regime Change.
BUT... it is imprecise enough to indicate a level of delusion on your part.
I'd like to advise all the cheerleaders out there:
Put down the Pom-poms, take a break from the mindless chanting/bleating, cover up your tushies, and consider the fact that things are MULTI-dimensional.
Xena wrote:panzade wrote:The families of the survivors and the victims have begged the candidates not to use images of 9/11 to further their agendas.
A trip to the hearing center for you Xena.
When you refer the the "9-11" families, you don't know what your talking about. Just because a few "NJ girls" and some others are offened, doesn't mean they speak for all the families. Just get that straight..
After the attack,
President Bush articulated the primary lesson of September 11, that simply reacting to danger after lives are lost is a weak and unacceptable national defense. He believes that taking the fight to the enemy is the best way to ensure that the enemy will not bring death to our doorstep here at home.
We agree.
in the war on terror and through the heroic efforts of our military forces, we are a safer country today. Two-thirds of al Qaeda leadership is dead, incarcerated, or on the run, its financing disrupted. The Taliban has been removed from power and training camps in Afghanistan and Iraq have been eliminated. On the domestic front, our dedicated law enforcement agencies are finally able to fight terror the same way they go after drug cartels; terrorists and terrorist cells have been thwarted in upstate New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Illinois and Florida.
Through the prism of 9/11 and presaging the Commission's conclusion,
President Bush looked at Iraq and Saddam Hussein's history, his willingness to use chemical weapons in the mass murder of his own citizens, his notorious attempts to acquire nuclear weapons, his record of giving financial aid and sanctuary to global terrorists--including members of al Qaeda--and his repeated refusal to cooperate with U.N. inspectors. He determined that this repressive regime was an intolerable danger to our country. Rather than waiting until it was too late to prevent a fully materialized threat, the President acted. We believe history will support the President's decision.
Guided by core principles, President Bush has steadfastly told us who he is, what he believes and what he will fight for. He is a caring and decisive leader who is not afraid to make hard choices to keep this nation safe, by keeping it strong. He has sent a clear message to America's friends and foes that he will not waver in his resolve as the winds of political fortune change. He will not revert to the failed policies of the past which only served to whet the appetite of those who would destroy us. He will stand firm against our adversaries.
As Americans who have keenly felt the scourge of terrorism, we are inspired and energized to follow the President's lead, to rise to the occasion and get the job done. We are deeply grateful to President Bush, who rallied this nation on that dark September day, who has earned our respect and confidence, and whose leadership we trust to steer this country on the right path.
Three years ago, George W. Bush stood with us and vowed that he would "Never forget."
We stand with him now.
don't know OCCB..but seems pretty clear to me that there is a political slant here...
I was unable to get the clip earlier. My post was in reference to the second link Xena provided (3rd post on page 2), which is clearly making a Bush/ 9-11 family support connection.
Xena, I'm not sure I agree with all of your politics or positions, but the clip is a important lesson. Many have forgotten as can easily be seen in the attitudes of many here. Of course they are safe in their homes with their greatest concern being the price of gasoline or the conectivity of their internet connections. They would never remember, because to them it was a shock, that wore off after a month or two, turned to sneering at the American response, outright protests a couple of months later, and complete hostility now.
They haven't forgotten, they never learned.
They haven't forgotten, they never learned.[/quote]
you assume way to much..and we all know what happens when you assume don't we?
He maust have been assuing then... :wink: