panzade wrote:I've been circling this road kill thread like a turkey buzzard but I can't find any sustenance. Its title is a cloaking device used by warmongers to rally the troops.
Yeah, like I need a reminder:
That the 10,000 to 15,000 civilian casualties in Iraq are somehow not innocent victims in comparison to the 3,000 innocent victims of 9/11. Oh alright, I'll grant you there's 5,000 insurgents mixed up in that mountain of bodies and body parts who deserved to be exterminated. When will we have exacted revenge? I don't know...there's ratio rules to exacting revenge for a sneak attack on our citizens.
That if Iraqui citizens posted videos of the horror and carnage they're subjected to...well...that's just the price they have to pay for democracy and Hussein in a cell...besides, they are posting videos...of beheadings....onward Christian soldiers..
Like I need a reminder that if we'd kept our eyes on the prize in Afghanistan and other terrorist hotspots we'd have done something concrete to secure our borders and citizens all over the world.
I shant post on a political thread again ...perhaps til way past the election. What's the point? There's no exchange's down to cut and paste for both sides...and one way hearing obstructions.
Yeah, this thread was the catalyst. I'm firmly in the get him out camp. The missus is a registered Republican...that's being remedied post haste.
I remember...that's the problem.
Panzade, I'd hate to see you leave. You have a unique perspective that would be missed.
However, I believe that the 15-20,000 innocents Iraqi's could very easily also be 15-100,000 Americans if even
ONE WMD is brought into our country and used.
I am all for the over-zealous defense of this nation. 3 years have gone by since we were attacked by an enemy that has no home yet has a global reach. We need to be reminded every day what it is that we are fighting. Everytime I look at my sons and daughters faces I hope they will be able to grow up and enjoy their life as much as I have because someone stood up and defended our way of life. Defended our country. I thank them and I am most grateful that they do what they do.
It is unfortunate that war is so destructive to human life. It is a terrible event, but when there is no alternative, then it's best to do what we have done. I am saddened by the huge divide that this nation has seen and at the seeming loss of global respect, but if that is what it takes to destroy the global evil of terrorism, then so be it. We can not allow ourselves to go back to the times that allowed an event like 9-11 occur.. We must remain vigilant and bring the war to them. There is no negotiating with terrorists.