The continued reference to Mary Cheney by the Dems

Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 09:17 am
Just wondering, Lola....what is your opinion of why the large number of Democrats are making the same "stink"?
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 09:47 am
Just wondering, Just Wonders...what is your opinion of why the large number of people in the south forty years ago, of either party, thought negroes should ride in the back of the bus?
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 10:03 am
Blatham, at least you're consistent. I originally asked you how does that explain 40% after this post.

Now I understand. You think yourmoral ideal is more important than the general opinion during a campaign for President. You even went so far as to call it irrelevant. That's an admirable, idealistic opinion, Blatham, but it's absurd to seriously assert it in a political discussion… and think it trumps reality.

Now on the issue of Gay Marriage, I agree with you across the board. Even if the word "Civil Union" were to be passed in it's place, Joe pointed out that would make them, what, unionized? How do you ask if someone's married? I suspect a lawsuit would soon be won since the answer to "Are you married" could be used to discriminate… so would we then end up with a "Don't ask" policy regarding marriage? That doesn't seem all that good for the institution. Now as much as I enjoy being in complete agreement with you, reality is calling.

Blatham's opinion is only slightly less important than Bill's who comes in with a powerful 1/120,000,000th of the decision to decide all by himself. I'm guessing about 120,000,000 will show up to vote and each of those constituent's opinion is just as valuable as mine. Now sure it could be argued that I live in a swing state, but that won't help you much. :wink:

Your arguments about it being a continuation of hateful thought like Black and Women's suffrage and hideous discrimination is compelling and in my opinion spot on. But frankly, its relevance is limited to only those who agree, like I do, that it is spot on. That isn't the discussion we've been having here.

blatham wrote:
Again, opinion/backlash tells us nothing of relevance to the moral issue. Previous periods saw campaigners who were forwarding civil rights or sufferage, etc, gain a backlash against their position. Is to 'to your advantage' and therefore 'sleazy', for another example, while Joe McCarthy is seeking power through the means he used, to point out publicly that his daughter belongs to the Communist Party?

Blatham, you are arguing the wrong side, my man. The mere mention of Joe McCarthy sets off a distasteful flow of recognition of why finger pointing and labeling is a sleazy, frowned upon strategy. In this case, Mary Cheney is just another human being, so why the need to place another label on her? McCarthy is perhaps the very best example of why what Kerry did was wrong. Idea

blatham wrote:
It is using a perceived negative about your opponent's daughter for the benefit of an audience that sees it as a negative. That, my friend, is an attack on your opponent's daughter.

No, it is not. If you don't like Japanese people or Muslims or Christians, and think them perverse or inferior and campaign using these notions, but I don't share your derogatory opinion whatsoever, and I point out that your daughter is Muslim, then I'm not pointing at your daughter, I'm pointing right at you and revealing your hypocrisy. [/color]

Laughing Of course it is Blatham… how can you deny it? Whether you're being hateful or "revealing hypocrisy"… whether your purpose is just or unjust, the daughter gets the starring roll as the fulcrum either way. Hence, regardless of your purpose, or degree of nobility in your pursuit, you are nonetheless pointing fingers and labeling your opponent's daughter. Zoom back away from that tree and look at the beautiful (and ugly) forest. Labeling and pointing fingers at someone's daughter has always and likely will always be frowned upon… regardless of how noble your intent.
blatham wrote:
You're bright enough to rise above the partisan position here, bill.
Laughing Indeed. But so far I don't appear bright enough or persuasive enough to drag you, kicking and screaming, along with me. :wink:

blatham wrote:
Even if one might make a claim that Kerry's words resulted in some discomfort for Mary (unknown), acknowledge that there is NO comparison between this 'pain' and that which this administration's permitted and supported demonization of gays has produced for so many.

Yup. Bush's position further fueled the hell storm debate between the gay community (and "decent people" everywhere) and the Christian Right (and "decent folks" everywhere). I agree completely that his inconsiderate words and, IMHO, idiotic position have caused a great deal more discomfort than Kerry's remark. This does absolutely nothing to excuse Kerry's remark, however. I think you're familiar with "2 wrongs don't make a right.", Blatham. Even if labeling Mary somehow eased some of the discomfort of the many Bush has insulted, it remains wrong to place that burden on her. It should not be up to Kerry whether or not Mary becomes the focal point of the debate.

Martin Luther King was perhaps the greatest voice against discrimination there will ever be. He volunteered to be the focal point and that decision probably cost him more discomfort than most us will ever know. Eventually, it cost him his very life. He is probably the most celebrated figure in American History today… I'd wager he has the most monuments dedicated to him, at least, and for damn good reason. His courageous leadership delivered millions from hatred and ignorance. Despite the tremendous impact he had on the American values in years to come, it was still his decision to do it. No one but Martin Luther King himselfhad a right to place that burden on him. I know this example is over the top and it is intentionally so. If no one had a right to push MLK into that spotlight, despite the tremendous impact he would have, then certainly no one has a right to do it to Mary Cheney, either.

(Wow, that's way over the top… oh well Laughing)
blatham wrote:
Where does the real sleaze sit, bill.
The sleaze sits most prominently with bigots, of course but dirty-pool players fit the bill as well. No degree of guilt from one end justifies the other.

blatham wrote:
Pretend it was George Bush saying "of course John Kerry wants to allow homosexual marriage, his daughter's a lesbian!"
At least half of you guys would crucify him for it, call him all kinds of bigots and demand an apology for the hateful speech and distasteful way he selfishly used Kerry's daughter with no remorse and on and on… and perhaps 40% of the Republicans would agree with the majority of the country that the comment was inappropriate and we'd be having pretty much this same conversation only the teams would trade some players.

Go ahead and pretend it isn't so. It's so.

Bad example. Kerry's pointing to Mary does not forward hatred, in fact it promotes understanding and inclusion, but Bush in that same position would be forwarding hatred because the intent would be to communicate "Look, his daughter is a homo and that's dirty and unnatural and disgusting and against God's will, and his connection to her dirties him as well." Kerry's act does not dirty Mary, it gives her licence, and all those like her, to be who she is, without prejudice.

False. While the example does everything you say it does, it also "forwards" (perfect word, btw) the hatred right at Mary Cheney. We all know the hatred exists. To pretend pointing out a perfect target for it, in front of 50,000,000 people, won't encourage some to direct their hatred her way is the height of denial. At best, it was an accidental injury… that he should apologize for, anyway.

As the Christians are fond of saying: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. :wink:
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 10:34 am

Moral questions are, I think, the toughest sorts of questions to weave one's way through with clarity and consistency, and with whatever objectivity such a subjective realm might allow.

But I also think that your nation's Bill of Rights and Constitution go a very long way towards achieving precisely such a moral framework. The social and political evils and injustices which your founders wisely sought to avoid are all related to inequality and the relegation of certain citizens to an inferior status. This valuation towards maximal equality and fairness which the founders held dear was begun in Athens two and a half thousand years ago. It is a moral principle at the foundation of what we consider not merely American, but civilized.

I fault Kerry, for pointing to Mary, no more than I would fault someone who peed in a river that was flooding the countryside. I fault Bush and his crowd for helping tear down the dykes.

The hatred you mention in your second last paragraph is not made greater by Kerry's indication, even if that hatred might become more isolated on Mary. But the hatred is made greater by almost everything this administration has done in relation to homosexuality.

Kerry can apologize if he feels he ought to. Or not. I think the issue so peripheral to the greater problem that it isn't worth the mention.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 10:37 am
Don't Ask? Do Tell!
I was annoyed when Edwards and Kerry brought Mary Cheney's name into the debate. I realize they did it to inflame members of the religious right against Bush, which I think was a stupid mistake because nothing is going to shake the adoration of the religious right. But the Cheney's outrage is also politically motivated. To me, the Cheney's behavior is worse because they are Mary's parents and are exploiting her for their own hyprocritical political purposes.---BBB
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 10:43 am

You can't counter Republicanism with logic...

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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 10:59 am

That's THE best piece I've read on this issue. Thank you very kindly.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 11:12 am
I wonder how anyone other than the Cheneys and Keyes know whether Cheney remained silent? Maybe they had this discussion away from the TV cameras where such discussions properly belong. The issue isn't that Mary Cheney was gay or how the Cheneys feel about that or whether Kerry 'outed' her. The issue is that Kerry presumed to drag an opponent's daughter into the campaign as an issue. It is this that make it a cheap and tawdry trick. It would not have been tolerated from any Republican for any reason and under any circumstances, and it is disingenous of the left leaners, including their favored media, to excuse Kerry for it.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 11:42 am
blatham wrote:
The hatred you mention in your second last paragraph is not made greater by Kerry's indication, even if that hatred might become more isolated on Mary.
That's good Blatham! You damn near admitted the irrefutably obvious! Now take your other foot and put it front of that one. :wink:

blatham wrote:
But the hatred is made greater by almost everything this administration has done in relation to homosexuality.
No argument here. But, that's not the point! Idea

blatham wrote:
Kerry can apologize if he feels he ought to. Or not. I think the issue so peripheral to the greater problem that it isn't worth the mention.

BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
I was annoyed when Edwards and Kerry brought Mary Cheney's names into the debate. I realize they did it to inflame members of the religious right against Bush, which I think was a stupid mistake because nothing is going to shake the adoration of the religious right.

Well done BBB. Did you see the arguments earlier in this thread about that? I applaud your open honesty, even when it's your guy doing wrong. Many of you who want to pretend it's pure spin, and have stated as much, could learn a lesson here. BBB was not spun in to believing that. I assure you; she spins the other way or not at all. :wink:

Your article a raises many valid points but in doing so it's really just taking the focus off the real offense here. Again. It's "daughter", not "lesbian. Proof? Notice that the article really does nothing to dispute the one Nimh generously provided earlier from the Chicago Tribune. (See the A2K version here.)

(Note- if BBB hadn't volunteered her views here, I would have been out of line to use them in my examples Idea As it is, she may not like that I did...)(hope you don't mind, darlin)
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 09:24 pm
No one but Martin Luther King himselfhad a right to place that burden on him. I know this example is over the top and it is intentionally so. If no one had a right to push MLK into that spotlight, despite the tremendous impact he would have, then certainly no one has a right to do it to Mary Cheney, either.

For all of you who are so concerned for Mary Cheney's privacy, why do you continue to blab blab blab on and on about her? Doesn't sound like you're really so concerned about her privacy, poor maligned sweetie. You seem to be more concerned in proving your own opinion correct. And when you consider it's Mary's mother and father who have thrown her straight into the shark pool of journalists who have been having a field day with this "story," it's pretty transparent what they're really concerned about.

If the Cheneys and others on this thread are so concerned for Mary Cheney's welfare, they should shut up about it and leave her alone. Instead, her own parents used her to distract the American public's attention from the fact that Kerry out debated Bush.......no big task, I'll admit.........however, he did it. And it's been Mary Cheney's head rolling to cover it up ever since.

Occum Bill, Foxfire...........you prove yourselves wrong. Leave the poor girl alone already!
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 09:49 pm
Nope. Not wrong. It's wrong to make a member of your opponent's family a campaign issue. That's my quarrel with the whole thing. It's the quarrel of most who found the remark sleazy and self serving. It would have been no different if the discussion had been about services/opportunities for the handicapped and a reference was made to an opponent's handicapped daughter or if the discussion was about opportunities for doctors and the reference was made to an opponent's physician son or daughter. It just isn't done and, since this incident also gave the appearance of 'outing' Mary Cheney to those who hadn't given her sexual orientation a moment's thought--probably most of us--it appeared to be especially targeted at eroding Bush's base. It made Kerry look like a very un-nice man.
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 09:59 pm
Lola: Had you read my posts on this thread you would already know I'm not too concerned about Mary Cheney's feelings. Heck, you and I may even have a few things common...

A desire to attack positions, without a clue what they may be, would not be one of those things. Nor would a willingness to blame the messenger to the exclusion of blaming the source of the message.

Lola wrote:
You seem to be more concerned in proving your own opinion correct.
Yep, some of us enjoy the give and take of debating our positions. It's a little more challenging than shooting off your mouth without a clue what you're talking about. Kinda keeps you in check, ya know?... Well, maybe you don't. Idea
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Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 11:20 pm
OB, have you swiped Gus' avatar, you rascal?

Now, how am I supposed to know when it's the real Gus and the cheesehead imposter?

BBB Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 01:26 am
mary cheney is gay ???

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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 07:27 am
How's this BBB?
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 08:41 am
OB, Thank gwad, just in time to me avoiding getting defillibrated to stop my racing heart.

BBB :wink: Laughing
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 08:43 am
Occum Bill darlin............I wouldn't for a moment want to attack your position, having not had the time to read this entire thread before responding to what you've just written. If you say you're not "too concerned" about Mary Cheney's feelings, I'll take your word for it. I'll address that remark to Foxfire alone. She seems to care about poor Mary, even though she continues to carry on about it........thus increasing her perceived injury to Mary Cheney.

Whether you care about Mary Cheney or not, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Can you explain to me why you feel the need to do this?

But looking back, I see this post of yours:
So, those of you who like to pretend that you would never associate with such rogues, and you know who you are, stop the pretentious BS. There is no shortage of people who think marriage should be a union between a man and a woman (John Kerry, for instance ). That doesn't automatically make them bigots. You guys think Dick and Lynn Cheney are disingenuous for their reactions? Check yourselves. Pretend it was George Bush saying "of course John Kerry wants to allow homosexual marriage, his daughter's a lesbian!"
At least half of you guys would crucify him for it, call him all kinds of bigots and demand an apology for the hateful speech and distasteful way he selfishly used Kerry's daughter with no remorse and on and on… and perhaps 40% of the Republicans would agree with the majority of the country that the comment was inappropriate and we'd be having pretty much this same conversation only the teams would trade some players.

Go ahead and pretend it isn't so. It's so.

My problem with homophobia is not that a given person feels phobic about the thought of sex with a member of his/her own sex.........I'm not wild about thinking about having sex with a woman, myself........my problem is with those people who don't recognize their homophobic response when they propose a Constitutional amendment against homosexual marriage. Whether I want to have a lesbian relationship or not should not influence my allegiance to the rights of those who do.

And in your example above.........I can't speak for others but, I wouldn't be finding fault with Bush for commenting on Kerry's daughter's sexual orientation. I would be wanting the focus to be on the issues.

This focus on Kerry mentioning Mary Cheney in the debate is a diversion, nothing less. It's a prime example of how Republicans will stop at nothing to win. If the Cheneys are so upset about Kerry dragging their daughter and her sexual orientation into the debate, they should shut up about it. And since they've seen fit to magnify the incident, I can only assume it's not their concern for the privacy of their daugther they're really worried about. They're really worried about the outcome of the election. They seem to be even more willing than Kerry to drag her into the debate. (not that she probably minds anyway.)

Those who are trying to decide for whom to vote should pay attention to this attribute in the Cheneys. Don't think they'll be any less eager to drag the American people into a fight because it serves their own interests than they have been with their own daughter. Oh........that's right, they've already demonstrated this attribute...........we're involved in an unnecessary war, people are dying in order to make the Cheneys and the Bushs and their friends richer than they already are.

Doesn't this make you feel all safe and protected?
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 08:52 am

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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 09:00 am
Thank you BBB...........your post was magnificient as well. Take a look at this depiction of Bush...........which does he hate the most, the French or Liberty itself?

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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 09:31 am
Lola, I apologize if the tone of my last response to you was too snotty. Thanks for not escalating that (makes for much better discussion that way :wink:).

However, it's a hell of a stretch to compare a discussion on a message board to a live debate in front of 50,000,000 viewers… and at least as many going to hear about it afterwards. It was a calculated move and a miscalculation at that. Howard Stern has a career because of the word "Lesbian". There can be little doubt Kerry knew this would be discussed afterwards, so if you want to blame someone for this discussion, he's your man. He underestimated the general public's ability to see through his "cheap and tawdry trick". It merely needed to be pointed out… once. As for the Cheney's going on and on about it… have they? It seems to me that when a camera was put on them and they were asked for feedback, they gave it and that was that. We're still talking about it here because it has made for interesting discussion, that's all.

Your accusing the Cheney's of being responsible for this discussion, and others like it is preposterous. Of course, both sides will spin it, along with everything else to their maximum advantage. That's what they do. If you want to blame someone for this discussion, blame the source of the discussion… or no one at all. Without Kerry's cheap and tawdry trick, there would have been nothing to draw attention to. If the majority of the country didn't recognize trick for what it was, why is Kerry slipping after he supposedly won 3 straight debates? Was there another big impact story that I missed?

We agree: Bush's position on Gay marriage is asinine.
We agree: This topic is so trivial it shouldn't have registered much of a blip.
We agree: Some religious ideas are outdated (to say the least).

We disagree: that that's what 40% of Kerry's supporters (like BBB) and well over half of those polled found objectionable. Using his opponent's daughter is in bad taste. That is the main objection to Kerry's blunder. Taste is a subjective thing so the percentage of people in agreement is most certainly relevant. The polls are pretty clear, here, dear.
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