Another masterful post Nimh. I can ill imagine how, let alone why anyone would argue some of those points. Panzade's comment that it's a great thread sets some of your observations about us in concrete.
Lightwizard wrote:Sure one could read into Kerry mentioning it once again in the context of how people are homosexual that he could be using it to piss off the religious right. You go, baby.
This sentence contains the problem LW. When you said "You go, baby" you condoned the use of Mary's homosexuality to "piss off the religious right".
Now take away all of the specifics and you are left with this precedent: It is acceptable to use a perceived negative about your opponent's daughter to
get to a group that sees it that way.
For the press to do something like this; expect it.
For a candidate to do something like this; expect some indignationÂ… moments before the press has a field day.
It's dirty pool.
Edit = corrected some silly errors