America's retaliation against Russian hacking.

Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 09:39 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I stand on my comment. There was a Baldimo who was posting just after 9/11 years (2005 or so) when Bush/Cheney were running their silly dangerous war against Iraq. As I recall, that Baldimo was insisting on a connection between our govt and 9/11 (cause and effect).

Its my recollection. if there was another baldimo, I have no way of knowing.
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 09:43 am
There was another Baldimo then. I know you joined in here in 2004 so that was in the tim frame of the Iraq fiasco.

WHile I respect your service, I have no idea whether you werent the same guy ho was critiquing 9/11 as being a "false flag" operation.

Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 09:47 am
LETs all suspend our precast judgement about this issue UNTIL the promised Intelligence report is opened and shared.
I think the Intel community is waay better equipped than is the brain trust of A2K. And, whether it was or was NOT a Russian project, no-one here can really say "I told you so" because no-one really has any special information.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 10:03 am
Do you or others like you blame the US for the attack? Yes you do. People such as myself see it as an unjustified attack, I'm not so sure you do.

Thinking something doesn't make it true, it merely makes it your opinion. I have expressed my thoughts on 9/11 and other terrorist acts numerous times on this site, perhaps you only see what you want to see. (to quote a verse from the bible, "what did you go to the mountain to see?) In any case, no I don't think 9/11 was justified. It was a terrible inhumane attack of which most of the world including Muslims rightly condemned.

Building a wall between Muslims? You mean screening immigrants from terrorist heavy countries before letting them onto US soil? So as I mentioned above, if we don't let more Muslims into the US, we will get more terrorist attacks?

Immigrants are screened no matter where they come from as terrorist come from everywhere. And no I don't think letting more Muslim immigrants from ravaged countries means more attacks nor do I think if we don't let known terrorist or those associated with terrorists into the country we are in any way responsible for attacks. I think your whole argument is nothing but a strawman argument.

However, that is not what I meant by putting up a wall, it was metaphoric to mean (not sure how to phrase it) automatically dividing a person as a bad person just because of where they come from or what religion they happen to have.

We have intelligence agencies in place to keep up with terrorist, we have a military to respond if such is necessary, we have our allies around the world coordinate with on the war on terror and I think all of those are the correct way to respond to terrorists.

As I have noted before, it's always comical to see the "high road" taken when you really have no answers. It's good to see you keep up the MO.

I do have answers it is just that I have went through this crappy stuff too many times and I kind of know your response as I am sure you kind of know mine and I don't agree and know I won't no matter how many ways I answer it. It is just too tiresome.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 10:06 am
Well, senate committees are starting hearings today even before the report comes out. I imagine all the witnesses will be back. However, there is only so much they will publically say so it leaves room for those who want to denigrate the intelligence report to do so because they will ask for specifics and the specifics will naturally be classified.
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 12:29 pm
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 12:33 pm
No one's "recollection" of events from 11 to 12 years ago is a sound foundation upon which to base a serious, insulting charge. You could find these Baldimo posts if you made an effort.

It's up to you though.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 12:39 pm
The Catch-22 of all hearings involving intelligence.

There have been numerous example of members of the intelligence community being revealed as liars thanks to leaks.

I'm not a rabid critic of that community. They perform a very important job that involves doing things most people don't want to know about. However, putting them on a pedestal of truth telling because what they are saying conforms with one's political views is intellectually dishonest.

No one in government is more capable of lying than members of the intelligence community. It is their stock in trade.

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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 12:47 pm
Ask farmerman about Jeffrey Epstein´s perv island and all those little Haitian kids being raped and tortured and slicKKK KKKlintler being on that ¨Lolita Express¨ jet to that place 26 times and whether or not the KKKlintler Foundation (which farmerman contributes to) played any sort of a role in that ****...

Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 03:25 pm
It appears that the NSA, FBI, an CIA are all in concert and have testified that they have good evidence to state that Russia hqcked our election process to affect the outcomes. If you disagree, you can either call me names or post fake news headlines, OR you can call your GOP congressmen and try to "get in on the news"
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 04:25 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Even Assange is claiming that Russians had nothing to do with it

Even Assange? I mean, he'd be the first person you'd expect to deny it, wouldn't you?
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 04:27 pm
Clapper, for one, is a proven liar.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 04:33 pm
NSA sees and copies everything that ever goes over the Internet in America. If Russians had ever hacked the DNC, the NSA could very easilly verify it; the fact that they haven is the strongest evidence that the whole claim is bullshit.

Most of the bullshit is coming from the CSA (Central Stupidity Agency) and that agency is in for a day of reckoning, right soon.
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2017 06:32 pm
we are so fortunate to have your expertise to ferret out the wascals in the CSA ( Hoqever,I always thought their capitol was in Richmond Va)
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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 07:37 am
Leading up to the end of the election I started getting sick and nervous, I watching the polls tighten and reading Nate Silver's posts. I don't think those hacks had too much influence on the election results. I think it was a combination of things besides that. In any event, to me, that has never been the point. It was the point that they did it at all which I found worrisome and still do.

I must say, I don't think Trump continuing to deny these intelligence reports are going to work for him or his supporters except in their own little circle. It merely seems self serving to deny it. Democrats might look like they are taking advantage of it, but Trump and his supporters just look like they are denying it because it makes them look bad.
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 07:45 am
The Russians didn't influence the election... HRC being a criminal with blood on her hands is what influenced the election. That, and 0bama's endorsement of HRC - the kiss of death for everyone he sides with.
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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 08:51 am
the Russian activities were , apparently , much of the sources of the "tightening" of the poll. HRC became the recipeint of most of the BS and lies posted by the Fuggls and Gungas of the web.
"Even If it aint true, lets make it seem so"

This crap about the Clinton Foundation, or the major crap about her being associated with child trafficking. You really think the GOP started that?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 09:02 am
I'm still gobsmacked at how surprised and outraged some are about this.

Have you already forgotten that we do our best to hack every country? That includes our friends too.

Remember when we hacked Iran's nuclear facilities and wreaked their centrifuges with stuxnet? Remember when it was exposed that NSA even hacked the German Chancellor's personal ******* phone?
Take a tip from her. She brushed it off as business as usual.

Are we this braindead to think we don't hack Russia and every other 'foe' in every conceivable way and that they would do the same?

None of this means that we shouldn't do everything we can to increase cyber security but the outrage and panic over this is absolutely, hysterically stupid.
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 09:06 am
Yep. I wonder how many elections the US has tried to influence?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2017 09:07 am
So we should just accept this as "the new norm" for our entire election process?
As far as I know, when it comes to spying and foreign intelligence efforts, if commited by a US citizen, constitutes treason. The fact that an entire political party, still basking in the afterglow of its electile dysfunction, is giving it all a pass. Does that mean that the Trump faction GOP is composed of a bunch of foreign agents??

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