They wouldn't.
I think it's also striking how the conversation here has changed. During the Bush years, conservatives would debate for pages and pages and pages that the Bush administration most definitely was not lying when they were saying that Saddam had ties to al Qaeda and was supporting them, or that Iraq had an active nuclear program and was hiding weapons of mass destruction.
In the era of Trump, his supporters don't even bother to make that kind of argument. It's too obvious that Trump will state flat out falsehoods or contradict himself, sometimes within less than 24 hours. So instead the argument has changed to say his followers don't
need to focus on what Trump might say or not say on any given day, they are able to detect the central tendency in what he says
despite the words that come out of his mouth.
Only his opponents would be silly enough to focus on what an incoming President of the United States
actually says to try and determine his political positions.