Just so we have this straight...
A= Russia Hacked Podesta's email
B= Assange received Podesta's email files from someone other than Russia.
C= Third Party no one knows
You are saying that because A is true, that means A gave to C to fulfill B.
Could it be possible that D= Someone hacked Russian security and stole Podesta's email from them? An then D gave to C to fulfill B?
Or, is that just simply not a possibility because Russia had to give emails to Assange because that makes Russia the bad guy?
Could it also be that Podesta, being computer illiterate, allowed his email to be hacked by a common phishing attempt to steal his password? Then, the criminal that stole his password had no idea what they had and passed info to Assange because they saw $$ and the word government attached?
Also, how did the Ruskies know that Assange would even publish the material? He has a lot of stuff that has not been published.
It's just too convenient to say that Russia gave files to Bob who gave to Fred who gave to Julian. Who is the Third Party? Same as the guy on the grassy knoll or set the explosives off in Bldg 7?