Re: soooo sick of being fat..can someone pleeease help me??
jetergirl213 wrote:..i am REALLY 12 years old like 5 foot 1 and i weigh 180 pounds!!! im soo sick of being sooo fat. i just want to lose 50 pounds really badly. but i want to lose the weight soon. i had planned on losing it by the beginning of school (in like a month) but now i want to atleast lose it by my birthday (november) or by christmas..all im saying is..someone please please please help me..)=
Sorry kids. Everyone here has been asking
us to help
them out. If this doesn't illustrate the heart of the problem, then nothing will.
If you need advice on what to do, eat and what mindframe is required then ask specifics. Other than that, laziness and an inability to hunt and gather your own information seems to be problem #2.
We can only do so much. Age, height and weight doesn't help much.
What are you eating, when are you eating, how much are you eating, why do you eat, what triggers your eating patterns, who cooks your food.....?
What changes have you made in your diet, what foods have you omitted from your diet, what foods have you incorporated in your diet.....?
How often do you exercise, how long do you exercise for, how intense is your exercise, how regular is your exercise, do you make you heart rate increase and your breathing speed up, are you doing cardio and weight training, or only one.....?
Asking yourself what got you to where you are is the first step in determining how to get out of that "place". Changes need to be made, and they need to be made in every department. Clearly no one here is prepared to read 8 pages of posts, search the internet, or tell us what you have done and what is/isn't working.
There is no magic involved. Stop eating crappy foods, increase your exercise intensity and frequency (burn more calories than you consume) and you
will see results.