Quote:,all they say is your too big too be good ....
One thing you should understand about being big and which you will not learn in highschool.....
You will spend your entire life dealing with a thing called the square/cube problem, meaning that you will NEVER have the power/weight ratio which smaller people sometimes have, no matter what you do. You simply have to deal with it.
What the s/c problem means is that weight is proportional to volume, which is a cubed figure, while strength is basically proportional to cross section of bone and muscle, which is a squared figure, and every other measure of efficiency is similararly proportional to some other sort of squared figure.
That means that if you were to double your physical dimensions, you'd have a factor of two which would get figured three times for volume and hence weight (width * breadth * height) but only twice for cross section of muscle and bone which behaves like the pi*r-squared thing from geometry; in other words, you'd be eight times heavier and only four times stronger. You'd have cut your power to weight ratio in half.
That is basically why you don't see people much over 150 lbs or thereabouts doing gymnastics.
Particularly in the case of girls and women you need to be proportionally stronger than your smaller comrades just to compete on an equal basis.