teen diets

Reply Fri 26 Nov, 2004 03:27 pm
I would say paranoid is a pretty fair estimate.
Pigs are fatty animals (bacon being the fatty meat), but so are cows (rib-eye and prime rib being fatty cuts), and so are chickens (chicken skin being the fatty component).

I frequently eat pork loin, pork tenderloin, and pork chops...and I honestly think that, religious stipulations aside, pork is a great way to substitute meat into your diet when chicken, beef and fish get tiring.

...But research enough foods and their possible negative "side effects" and they all have down sides.
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Reply Tue 4 Jan, 2005 11:11 am
Cutting out a certian type of food is not good for you. you need a little bit from everything. the best way to loose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. we were talking about diets in science and my teacher said that the atkins doesnt work because taking carbs away has something to do with losing water in your body. therfore on this diet the weight you lose is only water weight. and as soon as you start eating carbs you gain weight again. the most effective and fullproof way to loose weight is to burn more calories than taken in.
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abrcrombie babe
Reply Wed 2 Mar, 2005 02:47 pm
Please respond!
Hey, I am 15 years old and 145 pounds. I am 5'5'' and i hate the fact that i have love handles. I don't have a problem with my hips or my legs or anything else but the love handles have just been ruining my freshman year in high school. My best friend is like a size 00 and i hate that I am bigger then her. I feel like my love handles are in the way of me and a lot of people. I have tried many diets but i just can't keep them going. I always start eating inbetween meals and eating a lot of food. This food isn't junk because my parents eat healthy but i just can't stop eating when i start. I need some tips desperately and a diet plan that is going to fit my busy cheerleading schedule. Can someone give me some tips please? Thanks. Cool
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 2 Mar, 2005 03:26 pm
First let me say that anorexia and bulemia are at epidemic proportions in this country. Young girls are fervently concerned about their body shape and size and want to be a size 0. Well, guess what ladies? Being a woman means you are no longer a size 0, and if you are, you were either born with great genes or you work your ass off (literally) at getting there. Once you start to mature, fat begins to accumulate in places you'd rather not have it. It is in preperation for pregnancy. Do not think that you must be a size 0 to be beautiful! And I agree with whoever said, get thee off the scales! Weight means virtually nothing. If you look good, and feel good, who cares if you weigh more than you "think you should". Muscle does weigh more than fat. You do not need to be stick thin to look good. Ask nearly any man and they will tell you they like a woman with curves, not some stick figure who looks about to snap at one touch. All the women you see every day are not real. Even the sexiest and most beautiful super model is airbrushed and tweaked and pulled and taped and made up.

But don't get me wrong.....being overweight is just as dangerous as thinking you have to live up to magazine expectations.

Obesity is just as big of a problem. It is the number 2 (#2!!!!) preventable killer of adults in this country, second only to smoking! American's don't want to work for what they want: a healthy, trim body. I know because I don't want to eat right, avoid junk food and exercise regularly. The mentality "big is beautiful" IS just as dangerous as the "heroin chic" mentality. Being overweight causes undue stress on all of your organs and leads to so many diseases I won't begin to list them.

Everyone here has given you great advice. Eating right is the first step to getting fit. You may never be a size 0 or even a size 4. But you can look and feel your best.

You all asked for diets. Well, there is no one diet that will do what you want. You have to do what is right for your body. And eating good alone won't cut it. Even those pills they sell on tv (which I strongly advise against!!!) say in tiny print at the bottom "Results not typical. Use with diet and exercise program." Make it a habit to eat smaller portions. And eat frequently. Do cardio and strength training. If you don't lift a lot of weight, you won't get bulk but you will get nice toned muscles. DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER. Water is a natural flush. It has also been suggested that calcium helps speed up the metabolism. So ladies, drink your milk!

And remember that you are beautiful no matter what you look like. However, if you want to stay alive, you have to get healthy. Shewolf posted some links earlier on another thread and you might want to check them out. It gives you a healthy ideal weight range.

Good luck!!!!

Ideal Weight
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 02:32 pm
I need help loseing weight!HELP!
im 14 years old and my name is christy. and im about 5' 2" and weigh about 145 lbs. i think i look horrible.i suck in my gut and i hate it!i want to lose weight and fast i cant wait a year to lose weight!i want to help my self-esteem by loseing my extra weight. please i need help.how much should a 14 year old girl weigh!?i hope not 145 lbs!please some one help me!!!!!
Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Mad Mad Mad
help needed,
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Bella Dea
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 07:34 pm
see link above
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 05:33 pm
Milk & Meals

I was wondering if drinking chocolate milk would be the same as drinking white milk... because a lot of the answers on this site say DRINK MILK! But to be honest I despise milk... I love chocolate milk though, so if I could drink chocolate milk instead of white that would be awesome??

Also... when you say eat 5 small meals instead of 3 what exactly do these meals include and what time in the day should I be eating them? I'm almost 15, 5"5' 1/2 and I weigh about 150 (Competative Basketball Player...so very into physical activity).... Could you give me a few examples of "small meals" that would be healthy and easy to take to school??

Thanks! Very Happy
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 09:08 pm
Off Topic?
Sorry Guys this is kinda off topic, but what is the differnce from replying in here and using the "quick reply"??? thanks!
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emma 4
Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 08:07 pm
Help Me
Hi I am new on here and I think I am overweight and I was wondering if you could help me I am usually around 185 and 190 and I am 5' 9" tall. Could you help me out please I am really really really uncomfortable in my own skin. Any advice will be greatly greatly appreciated.

Thankyou very much emma_4 Embarrassed Confused Sad
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 08:49 pm
Kissyface, the one negative about drinking a lot of chocolate milk is that it's loaded with simple sugars. Simple sugars that aren't immediately used as energy gets can be stored as fat. One reason so many kids are overweight in this country is all the sugar-loaded candy and soft drinks.

You don't HAVE to drink a lot of milk, but you should have protien and calcium in your diet, which milk has. Calcium you can get from a woman's multi-vitamin, and your protien sources could be lean beef, chicken, and seafood. If you do drink milk, drink skim. Most chocolate milk is also made with higher fat milk. I don't like milk either, but mix protien shakes in it so I'm getting milk every day.

You should all drink a lot of water. All day. Water is essential in keeping cells healthy and also it speeds up your metabolism. Cut out soda, which is all sugar(and has caffeine) and coffe, which has caffeine. Caffeine is a natural diuretic, which means it makes you piss out the water your body stores. If you have to drink caffeinated drinks, cut it down to just a little.

The 5 meals a day, what they consist of is up to you. You have to learn what foods you should eat to get certain nutrients(what foods are rich in protien, "good" carbs, and "good" fats).

Instead of eating 3 big meals, you should spread your meals into 4-6 smaller meals. What this does is naturally speed up your metabolism, because your body is constantly breaking down the food you eat, which burns calories. It will also help keep your energy levels stable through the day, so you don't experience "spikes" in energy and getting tired.

Just a quick breakdown:

Protien: lean beef, chicken, seafood/fish(tuna is an easy source), and peanuts and beans contain a little protien. Also soy protien is an ok source, and is a source vegetarians may get their protien from.

"Good" fats: peanut butter, certain nuts, Omega-3's, which are found in certain fish(swordfish, salmon), and flax seed oil, which you can buy in vitamin form.

"Good" carbs: instead of white, starchy carbs, like white bread, white rice, pasta, try things like wheat bread, brown rice, whole grains and vegetables. They are more slowly digested than starchy carbs and don't cause an increase in blood sugar, which makes your body store the carbs/sugars as fat.

Ideally, every meal will contain a balance of protien, a little carbs, and a little fat. Research around to find out what are some easy meals for you to eat. They do make nutrition bars and shakes for convienence you can substitute for a couple meals a day, also(not every meal though).

As younger people, you have to realize another thing: there's NO MIRACLE DIETS out there. Any diet that will cause you to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time is unhealthy. You're denying your body nutrients, vitamins, and slowing down your metabolism by eating once a day, or whatever else the diets tell you to do. Best way is just change your lifestyle, so you're eating right all the time.

And get into an excercise program. Run, lift weights, ect. That's another subject in itself. And do plenty of reading on different foods and nutrients, and how your body works in breaking down these foods, so you understand why you should eat certain things.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 07:58 pm
Wow thanks slappy doo hoo, you really gave me great info!!

And emma_4....your tall! remember that! you should weigh more than short people!
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 06:55 pm
love handles
Hey i am pretty much average weight and i have no complaints about it but I was wondering if anyone knew of any specific exercises that can get rid of extra love handle fat, you kno the fat on the side of your stomach, i kind of wanna lose some of it so that i can look nicer in my prom dress thanks
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 07:17 pm
You can't really "spot" fat loss. Doing ab excercises like crunches, situps, ect, will strengthen the stomach muscles, but you can't lose fat in only one part of your body, it happens collectively. If you were lean enough, those muscles would show.

A combination of good diet, and consistently working out(both cardio and weight training) will cause a drop in body fat percentage, which will lose the love handles.
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jojo girl
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:28 pm
Ok today i was walking and i was wearing new pjs that i just got. The top was a tanktop its a lil tight but i like it. N E way i was walking to do the laundry and i passed by my mom and i said "Mom im fat!" and she said" I know you have a pot-belly."!!!!!! Did she like not read the code of moms! IDK but it just made me feel REALLY bad! I mean i was all ready self concious about my weight in the first place!!! I`m about 5' 2 and im around 121!! I mean im not proud but i`ll admit i have big boobs but still my stomach an fat ass thighs just kill me!!!!!(i dont worry bout my calves cuz they are all muscle) How can i lose weight FAST!!!!!
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:43 pm
JoJo - read all previous posts on weight loss and you will have your answer. Including why "fast" is not the answer.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 10:22 am
No way to lose it fast if you want it off and don't want to wreck your body in the process.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 10:23 am
Lose weight fast?

-Don't eat.

-Do a lot of cocaine.

-Pop speed and ephedrine pills like they're candy.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 10:24 am
Re: SadSadSadSad
jojo_girl wrote:
I`m about 5' 2 and im around 121!!

I must be fat then because I weight about 2 lbs less than you and am around the same height..... Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

That is absolutely NOT fat in my opinion. You might have areas that are less than flat (like me) and a little jiggly but in no way are you fat.

Get to the gym and don't eat sweets. You sound like you need toning not weight loss.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 10:49 am
Im waiting to see when Slappy is gonna wring down the curtain.

All the "drink water advice" should be tendered with a sidebar
YOU MUST KEEP UP YOUR ELECTROLYTES. The main problems with bulemic young ladies is they can develop fatal arrhythmias in their heARTBEATS BECAUSE THEYVE FLUSHED OUT ALL THECa, Mg and K ESPECIALLY,K , a SYMPTOM OF HYPOKALEMIA IS THAT you start getting achey muscles and joints and you have "fluttery heart palpitations". My brother in law is a pediatrician specializing in nutrition and hes always talking about these "crash" cases in which they bring a teen girl into the ER and all her blood electrolytes are screwed up, when they manage to get her stabilized 99% of them are on some phoney baloney get slim quick diet that is potentially deadly.

Some a you girls who have waist fat and "handles" just dont wear low jeans and belly shirts till you make a deal with yourself that its gonna take discipline and a year to get your waist back. No fashion statement is worth dying over.
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Reply Wed 18 May, 2005 03:48 pm
I am 5"6, 15 and I weigh 145... I am also an athlete so im not sure if I am actually overweight or if the whole muscle weighs more then fat rule comes into play here.... I have also heard that eating breakfast may help you loose some weight and I really hate eating breakfast..does anyone know any fast easy things that I can make for breakfast? Thanks!
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