That's a feeble attempt at defending 0bama's affordable healthcare act, the one that was shoved down America's throat. Liberal progressive democrats hate hearing this, but American citizens want to make their own decisions & choices - we really like to shop & compare.
Healthcare is an individual choice, and there should be multiple levels of coverage for every income level. Free market competition that crosses state lines will level the playing field, and it will give individuals the ultimate choice.
Set the minimum coverage requirements for all American citizens with all preexisting conditions waived. Natural attrition will eliminate all preexisting conditions rather quickly. Make it like buying a vehicle, and make it easy for we the people to buy what we can afford to pay for, but does not force the individual to buy coverage they don't need, or want.
Free market competition with universal guidelines is the ONLY solution.
Oh, and make it illegal for employers to offer coverage. Businesses should be encouraged to provide a minimum level of onsite care instead of providing insurance. This on site suggestion could easily become a niche business that creates jobs that increase tax revenues...