TheCobbler wrote:
Let's not forget the day that Obama Care was passed and millions of Americans got REAL affordable healthcare insurance.
And just as many got less affordable healthcare. The middle working class is now paying more for healthcare and getting less services and less choices for their dollars.
Health insurance premiums have skyrocketing for us - my take home pay has decreased each year as a result. I just finished my taxes for 2016 and we made $8 thousand less than the previous year - my salary did not change, my bonus changed by $500- the only other thing to change was dental insurance by a few pennies and my health care.
Coverage previously - I had co-pays ones that were reasonable $25 regular doctor visit, $50 for urgent care and hospital visit $100. Now I have to pay a high deductible of $6k for family and then once reached 10 percent. There are also limits. Unfortunately for my daughter she had a serious injury and she requires surgery -- for all the initial visits we have met the $6k and looking at the price of surgery I will probably have to fork out more than another $2 thousand at minimum. And she is getting close to her lifetime limit on PT already at age 14! So depending how much more she will need this too will end up coming directly out of our pocket.
How does one pay for all this when they are in middle class? We are cutting out any contribution to 401k for retirement and instead having all this go into a health saver account. This is what happens to middle class they have to give up their retirement after years of working and contributing.
I am glad others are getting insurance and health care they need - I am not heartless and want others to get care that is needed, but the middle class whom these democrats keep saying they are trying to protect -- are actually the ones getting hurt.
I refer to this plan as the Unaffordable care act