You realize the ACA was designed by a bi partisan committee. So a group of congressmen (both parties) worked for months to overhaul our healthcare system, and they designed it to fail? What Facebook post told you this? You have a computer; look it up. It was NOT designed to fail, that's ridiculous. It was designed to fix the problems with our healthcare system. Do you remember what it was like in 2007? Something needed to be done. The American people spoke loud and clear with their VOTES that they wanted the HC system fixed. The newly elected president appointed a committee to work on it. They were given certain stipulations; like it was supposed to insure those then uninsured, it was supposed to disallow insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, etc. After many months of work the committee presented a workable plan and it was voted down by congress. Of course they presented the best plan they could come up with, and so after it was voted down they had to come up with one that could pass congress; a second best plan, which sucks. Now how exactly was it "designed to fail"?