Quote:Nice strawman. You'd have to quote my words on that topic.
Maybe an exaggeration but not a strawman.
Quote:Now find some convincing source for that tale. I've not seen any.
Wet foot dry foot? It seems you want to limit Cuban immigration to the limited time in 1980 when Castro let people leave... Although there have been people fleeing Cuba since the 60's. I guess you have never seen the pictures of people who were stopped in the waters outside FL in "boats/rafts" that look like they were made by people stranded on an island after a plane/boat accident. It's not like these they were pulling up in cruise ships and yachts.
Quote:Meaning people in full-time employment needing food stamps to survive?
Who do you think pays for these programs? There are over 170 Federal, State and local welfare programs. It's always convenient to try and narrow social welfare programs down to just food stamps, it's one of the greatest cons pulled by those on the left, "General Welfare"...
Quote:That's not socialism; that's preventing starvation. Their employers are the ones on the receiving end of socialism.
I've never understood how keeping more of the money a person or company makes/earns was socialism. I don't think you understand the difference between keeping your own and taking from others. This is the reason I guess you don't understand the issue with Castro and Cuba and what he did to that once prosperous nation.
Quote:I'm happy that Trump won. Not sure why you'd think I like Hillary.
I didn't mention Hillary, just the Dems. Bernie the Socialist ran as a Dem.
Quote:Neo-liberalism is not natural and it's not true capitalism. I guess you still think trickle-down economics was a great idea.
I know and have experienced that when there is a need for people to work, as in companies need employees, they will increase wages to hire people. Right now here in CO, a majority of min wage jobs are hiring at above the state min wage because they can't find people. Mcdonalds is hiring for $9.50-10.00 hr depending on which city you want to work in. That has nothing to do with forcing companies to pay an artificial wage for under-skilled workers.
Quote:They donate to both sides of the great imaginary divide. It's called hedging your bets.
You are correct to a point, but as the leftists like to point out, it's who they give the most money to that counts.