I wonder what it is that you dislike about Nazis.
Its their authoritarianism, collectivism, rejection of Individualism
( Hitler called it a " cult " ) and disagree with the nazis about the Jews.
Quote:Is it that they killed so many innocents.
That 's part of it, yes,
in furtherance of their aforesaid
authoritarian-collectivism, like the commies.
Let's count the number of innocents killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
No. U can count, if u wanna.
I have better things to do.
Can I have 2 guesses ?
Saddam n the Taliban.
Quote:Is it the fact that you hate the Cubans
I feel
sorry for the Cubans, living in slavery.
I felt sad for poor Elian Gonzalez,
being committed to live his life in slavery.
I hated all commies, of any nationality, including the Kennedys,
who stabbed the Cuban Freedom Fighters in the back.
Shows how monstrous liberals can be, when their inner essence leaks out.
a common war criminal named ronald reagan
who supported the brutalization, rape and torture and murder
of thousands of Nicaraguans.
To kill a commie, a nazi, or a politically correct person,
is an act of love and beauty that I admire.
Reagan ruined communism and caused (or accelerated)
the ruin and end of the USSR.
For that he has my undying love, gratitude and respect.
I embrace, adopt, love and ratify all of Reagan 's foreign policy.