monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:26 pm
So that is why you want to believe so deeply in the US governments' 911 lies, georgeob1.

This is the same US government that lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. The lies that led the US to commit a massive series of war crimes and terrorism against the people of Vietnam. Of course, these massive war crimes and terrorism had been going on years before the Tonkin lie.

The kind, benevolent USA was already throwing people out of helicopters, raping and murdering Vietnamese.

I guess that make you an American hero, right? Did you ever get to gargle or brush your teeth with Agent Orange?
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:30 pm
There is Baldimo, layman, guijohn, Mcgentrix, ... "continually rais[ing] subject[s] that no one else wants to discuss" but I don't hear you, georgeob1 or blatham for that matter, complaining about them.

Nearly everything posted in this thread by the people you've named has been about "monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events" so it would be sort of stupid to complain about them. Occasionally other subjects are brought up — hell, there was an African music discussion and Olivier moved it over to a new thread devoted to that topic. Other digressions have occurred but the thread has pretty much remained on topic. I don't mind discussing the points raised by ideological opponents although I do see a lack of serious articles from a conservative perspective and more articles from right wing blogs and sites of questionable veracity.
You and every other person, including blatham and georgeob1, know that this, "there's already an active thread to discuss that very topic" is a total red herring. It is nothing more than a cowardly attempt by cowards to bury thee most important topic the cowards do not want to face.

No, I don't "know" this. Why even bother posting such self-serving tripe? — "Only I possess the truth and fascists are trying to silence me!" Yeah, okay — except you've got a whole thread available for people who want to talk about the events of 9/11. The topic has not been "buried". Too bad you conduct yourself in such an obnoxious manner that no one wants to engage with you.

You folks can go on for pages on the most inane, way off topic things, while you all seek to crush this one event that is the defining idea of this whole, overly voluble thread - which is a lot of gab, with little substance.

Trouble is, you've never even hinted at why the subject of your obsession is the "one event that is the defining idea of this whole, overly voluble thread." You haven't shown any desire or ability to link your 9/11 obsession to the topics we've introduced, shared, and discussed in this thread. When I've tried to engage you in speculation over the who and why on the other thread you refused to discuss the matter. And when you PMd me to ask, "Can you explain to me why everyone is so petrified about discussing 9-11?", this was my response:
Well, I'm not trying to speak for everyone; I think for some people, the government narrative is simply a better story. Crazed jihadists seek vengeance on the Great Satan, kill thousands of USAmericans, and die in the act. USA goes to war in response. It's all very neat and tidy in terms of plot lines and outcomes.

But if we posit a controlled demolition, no matter how convincing the science, we're left very unsatisfied. There's no "who" or "why". Theories abound, the chain of causation becomes tortuous to follow, experts contradict each other, specialists argue over details, and in the end no one knows who's responsible or why it was done. The Pentagon? Flight 93? And the perpetrators, never identified, are never punished.

That describes some people's reticence to continue the discussion — it doesn't get them to anywhere that they want to be.

Personally, I've grown very skeptical of well-produced documentaries, peer-reviewed studies, and interviews with know-it-alls on the internet. If the page looks convincing, if the video is of professional quality, if the talking head sounds smart, it can paint a very realistic scenario. But without specialized knowledge of engineering and materials, without biographical details of the quoted experts, without a thorough understanding as to who produced the documentary and why, I might just as well be reading a novel or watching a movie. I lack the means to effectively analyze the evidence, verify the facts, or cross examine the presenter. It's simply too easy to concoct and spread misinformation these days and I choose not to get dragged into heated discourse over subjects where the facts are in dispute and the fifteen year old evidence is buried somewhere in a landfill.

Yes, very hypocritical of me. Stunningly so.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:30 pm
Just answer the damn question, eh, Cammie?

Which particular shithole that calls itself a "country" in Europe do you monger in, eh?

I wanna send a note to Trump to nuke it first, ya know?
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:36 pm
Good response, Hi. You spent a lot more time responding to that nonsense than could reasonably be expected of any sane person.

You are one of the few posters here who strike me as fairly open-minded, your obvious biases notwithstanding.

By "open minded," I guess I mean respectful of evidence, as opposed to the mere dogmatic repetition of ideological "truths."
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:42 pm
you say things like "America first, baby!", which given some context, breaks down to, "Layman first, baby!"

0 Replies
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:43 pm
You missed the point in both cases.

Possibly, but I think you missed mine as well. I believe discussion is furthered when we look at the opinions of and the charges brought by those who are closer to the events. Sometimes they provide a perspective or a nuance which we would otherwise miss.

I think that if your goal is to see a political thread with no media links you'll probably have to start a new one and moderate pretty strictly. But I'm game if you want to do it.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:45 pm
There's really only one political question to ask, I figure, to wit: Is you is, or is you aint, a damn cheese-eater?
0 Replies
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:01 pm
Blathy wrote:
People will simply starve to death’: Why Trump’s plan to slash U.N. funding could lead to global calamity
The world is facing its “largest humanitarian crisis” since 1945, according to the United Nations.

I despise these people so much. They just do not give a damn.

Ya know, right across the street from me there's a family with 7 children, and I don't think a single one of them wears anything but clothes either bought at a thrift store, of else handed down to them from an older sibling who has outgrown **** bought at a thrift store.

Right next to them is another family just like them, but they only have 6 kids. Next to them is a family with 8 kids. Next to them....well, it's the same damn story, all up and down the hood, ya know?

One time I got to thinkin that maybe I should give some money to one of those families. So I studied on which family it should be.

But, along about that time, I realized that I was out of cigarettes and short on Thunderbird. So much for that idea, eh?
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:03 pm
No real argument there. It's a question of relative degree and the content of the specific material posted.
Stuff that contains or is based on of facts or new significant arguments or insights based on facts, and is presented in a clearer fashion than the poster can achieve, is always worthwhile. However the mere repetition of frequently heard opinions or characterizations ( or "memes", if you prefer) based on already common, often repeated themes, adds nothing to the conversation - apart from suggesting "research" and "authority" of the part of the person pasting them ( a likely motive for their doing so).

I think we all have a right to expect those posting on this or any thread bring some basic conversational level of knowledge and awareness of the subject at hand to the conversation. However those who flood the thread with pasted opinions and even offer reading assignments to others - all with a consistent bias and viewpoint, are not really engaging in a conversation: they are instead attempting to dominate and indoctrinate others while indulging some pedagogical delusions.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:12 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

those who flood the thread with pasted opinions and even offer reading assignments to others - all with a consistent bias and viewpoint, are not really engaging in a conversation: they are instead attempting to dominate and indoctrinate others while indulging some pedagogical delusions.

Very astute, George.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:14 pm
blatham wrote:

‘People will simply starve to death’: Why Trump’s plan to slash U.N. funding could lead to global calamity
The world is facing its “largest humanitarian crisis” since 1945, according to the United Nations.
I despise these people so much. They just do not give a damn.

Just a reminder...

blatham wrote:

The US has its huge clodhopper foot all over the ******* world. There's a national myth, held by some, that America deserves, in fact is morally obligated, to dominate everybody else and spread its goodness and superior wisdoms. I'm not on board.

Maybe that huge clodhopper foot is there to stop the bleeding. Now Trump wants to lift it and here are the people you quote saying that the US shouldn't stop it's "moral obligation to spread its goodness and superior wisdoms" because then millions will starve.

Is this one of those false either/or binaries that you were speaking of?

This is the hypocrisy that you post daily to your lackey's who await there daily bit of "truth" about Trump sp they can continue their outrage.

I equate you to that guy from Iraq, Muqtada al-Sadr. Preaching his anti-US hate speech every day to anyone that will listen. That's all you are. A hate preacher.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:19 pm
McGentrix wrote:

That's all you are. A hate preacher.

The KKK and the Nazi Party aint got nuthin on these far left commies in the hatin department, eh, Gent?
0 Replies
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:23 pm
hightor wrote:

I only wish conservatives made more effort to submit erudite pieces from a conservative point of view instead of just posting tiresome memes, forwarding fake news, and bitching about links.

Of course I may be in error in supposing that erudite sources of the conservative point of view actually exist.

See that's the problem... when any kind of conservative point of view is given it just becomes an argument about the source and never the material. Mostly because the cheese eaters can't find any kind of discussion about a truth that doesn't villainize Trump or the US agreeable to their weak constitutions.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:24 pm
When I see Blathy in action, this perv from Salon always comes to mind:


"I have a confession: I have at times, as the war has unfolded, secretly wished for things to go wrong," Gary Kamiya, executive editor of the left-leaning Internet journal Salon, wrote last week. Wished for the Iraqis to be more nationalistic, to resist longer.”

“Wished for the Arab world to rise up in rage. Wished for all the things we feared would happen. I'm not alone: A number of people who oppose the war have told me they have had identical feelings."

“Some of this is merely the result of pettiness -- ignoble resentment, partisan hackdom, the desire to be proved right and to prove the likes of Rumsfeld wrong, irritation with the sanitizing, myth-making American media...Pessimism is the dirty little secret of the antiwar camp -- dirty because there is something distasteful about wishing for bad outcomes.”

0 Replies
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:34 pm
See that's the problem... when any kind of conservative point of view is given it just becomes an argument about the source and never the material.

Well, I was being facetious, as I know there are conservatives who have interesting things to say. If someone posts one I'll say so and if I find one I'll post it myself. But if I think a source comes up short or if the writing style is execrable I'll say that as well.

Oh, by the way: https://able2know.org/topic/355218-684#post-6386693
cicerone imposter
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:34 pm
Trump is a racial bigot, liar and con. If you research about him, there's plenty out there to fill several books. That's only if you can handle the truth.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:36 pm
hightor wrote:

See that's the problem... when any kind of conservative point of view is given it just becomes an argument about the source and never the material.

Well, I was being facetious, as I know there are conservatives who have interesting things to say. If someone posts one I'll say so and if I find one I'll post it myself. But if I think a source comes up short or if the writing style is execrable I'll say that as well.

No, it doesn't matter who the source is. Back in 1924 they said so and so therefore their words are invalid. Or, That company is owned by Joe Blow who does business with the Koch brothers, therefore any thing they say must be wrong. It's the same thing every. single. time.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:40 pm
Mostly because the cheese eaters can't find any kind of discussion about a truth that doesn't villainize Trump or the US agreeable to their weak constitutions.

The patron saint of the cheese-eaters: Noam Chomsky:

No longer published in The New York Review of Books and other prestigious liberal magazines that once clamored for his essays, Chomsky has become the Dr. Demento of American political commentary. But within the Left itself, Chomsky's reputation has prospered.

Chomsky once wrote me not one but two six-page single-spaced letters teeming with vituperation and insult in response to a mild and respectful criticism I had made of him in my 1979 article in The Nation. I must emphasize that in 1979 I still respected Noam Chomsky”

"These letters were, in fact, the first indication I had that Noam Chomsky was a nut case. Not just someone with whom I was beginning to have political disagreements, but a full-blown wack job."

“He is incapable of reasoned discussion. His reaction to even dispassionate criticism remains vituperation and denial. Consider only his recent non-responses to his long-time defender and friend Christopher Hitchens a man with whom I have profound disagreements but whom I eminently respect."

"In Noam Chomskys books one theme is constant: his portrayal of the state of Israel as the focus of evil in the Middle East, a malevolent outlaw whose only redeeming feature is the readiness of its own left-wing intelligentsia to expose its horrifying depravity."

"Every crime by Israels foes is portrayed as a regrettable but understandable lapse, a mere detour from the course of moderation which they pursue with such dedicated benevolence, in the midst of the infinite wickedness of the nation they are fighting to destroy."

“Samantha Power, in an otherwise sympathetic review of Hegemony or Survival (New York Times Book Review, January 2004), writes: "For Chomsky, the world is divided into oppressor and oppressed. America, the prime oppressor, can do no right, while the sins of those categorized as oppressed receive scant mention."
0 Replies
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:55 pm
Back in 1924 they said so and so therefore their words are invalid.

Well, I've seen the right wing spear carriers on A2K using the same sort of argument, referencing the Democratic Party in the 19th Century. And if a mention of the Koch brothers is off the mark, you can always correct the misinterpretation right? It's not as if anyone here really has the last word on a topic.
0 Replies
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:56 pm
His acolytes insist that Chomsky is a patriot who loves America. Yeah, right, eh?

"This is my first visit to Vietnam. Nevertheless, since the moment when we arrived at the airport at Hanoi, I've had a remarkable and very satisfying feeling of being entirely at home...

“The people of Vietnam will win, they must win, because your cause is the cause of humanity as it moves forward toward liberty and justice, toward the socialist society in which free, creative men control their own destiny.”

"We are deeply grateful to you that you permit us to be part of your brave and historical struggle....many Americans who wish you success and who detest with all of their being the hateful activities of the American government."

“Noam Chomsky, originally delivered on April 13, 1970 in Hanoi while he was visiting North Vietnam... Broadcast by Radio Hanoi on April 14

Like all wack-ass commies, Chomsky thinks the end justifies the means, and has no sympathy whatsoever for human beings who don't agree with his commie agenda:

"I don’t accept the view that we can just condemn the NLF terror, period, because it was so horrible. There are real arguments also in favor of the Viet Cong terror, arguments that can't be lightly dismissed.”

"It was necessary to break the bonds of passivity that made them totally incapable of political action. And if violence does move the peasantry to the point where it can overcome bondage, then I think there's a pretty strong case for it."

If we are going to take a moral position on this, we have to ask both what the consequences were of using terror and not using terror.

“If it were true that the consequences of not using terror would be that the peasantry in Vietnam would continue to live in the state of the peasantry of the Philippines, then I think the use of terror would be justified.



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