monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 19 Mar, 2017 04:44 am
This is the kind of bullshit that needs to be called out.

It has been: GOP is an anti-science party of nuts and Antiscience beliefs jeopardize US democracy

Despite the reputable source I'm going to dispute your use of these figures — not as to the truth of the numbers but as to what they show. So 41% of "Democrats" accept Creationism. Where do they live? How much education have they had? How was the poll conducted — were there follow-up questions? It's no secret that large numbers of low-income voters support the Democratic Party but disagree with party positions on same-sex marriage, LGBT (and however many other letters are currently fashionable), and abortion rights, and I'll bet most of the Creationist Democrats come from minority communities. It's not, however, that these are single-issue candidates who back a reactionary agenda across the line.

In order to explain the widely-held perception that "Republicans are anti-science" don't look at the composition of the electorate, look at the actions of Republican officeholders. Starting as far back as 2003 with Inhofe, and extending into Trump's cabinet choices today, you see a concerted effort on the part of leading Republicans to deny scientific claims and denigrate the value of scientific research.

It's influential Republicans who form the face of anti-environmentalism in the USA. Like this one:
You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things.

I should also point out that the EPA was created during a Republican administration and until the emergence of the political evangelicals the Republican Party was very supportive of science and research.

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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 04:55 am
Short introduction to the Lutheran Church.
The Lutheran , Anglican and Catholic church as a rule have a beautiful liturgy, a short sermon and a lot of sitting down, standing up, making the sign of the cross. No chance to fall asleep.
In Sweden we often have coffee and cakes or coockies in the church after the church service.
For the protestant and reformed churches the sermon is important, long and the liturgy is less important. As you sit most of the time listening to the sermon you have a good chance to close your eyes and rest.
As you sit and listen most of the time in the reformed church a Lutheran once said it is a ear and rear end service. Sorry...
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:02 am
The latest in this Disfunction R US administration news...
Inside the White House, they are dismissed by their rivals as “the Democrats.”

Outspoken, worldly and polished, this coterie of ascendant Manhattan business figures-turned-presidential advisers is scrambling the still-evolving power centers swirling around President Trump.

Led by Gary Cohn and Dina Powell — two former Goldman Sachs executives often aligned with Trump’s eldest daughter and his son-in-law — the group and its broad network of allies are the targets of suspicion, loathing and jealousy from their more ideological West Wing colleagues.

On the other side are the Republican populists driving much of Trump’s nationalist agenda and confrontations, led by chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, who has grown closer to Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in part to counter the New Yorkers.

As Trump’s administration enters its third month, the constant jockeying and backbiting among senior staff is further inflaming tensions at a time when the White House is struggling on numerous fronts — from the endangered health-care bill to the controversial budget to the hundreds of top jobs still vacant throughout the government.

On the one hand, you've got your "Let's destabilize Europe and break down all existing institutions - and maybe a war with China would be interesting" Bannon types. On the other hand, you've got your Wall Street "Human worth is properly measured by size of bank accounts and boy do we have a lot of worth" crowd. And on the third hand (how many of these people's mothers were on thalidomide?) you've got your "Pence/Koch/Jesus-the-Punisher" crowd. And they're all sauntering around the Palace of Versailles in powdered wigs. Comforting, ain't it.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:09 am
Thanks. I'll do some reading. Lutheranism wasn't well-represented in the town where I grew up. And I think it is likely that the church's lack of extremism made them rather invisible (a good thing). The faith tradition I initially grew up within was a liberal version of the Mennonite church, so anabaptist, pacifist, independent-minded. My grandparents both spoke four languages (they came out of the Ukraine during the Bolshevik revolution), were quite well educated given their agrarian circumstances and, as I said, quite liberal. We loved them big time.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:25 am
These are the sort of people who support Trump.

A man accused of sending a flashing image to a writer in order to trigger an epileptic seizure has been arrested, the US justice department says.

John Rayne Rivello, 29, of Maryland, sent Kurt Eichenwald an animated image with a flashing light on Twitter in December, causing the seizure.

He has been charged with criminal cyber stalking and could face a 10-year sentence, the New York Times reports.

"You deserve a seizure for your post," he is alleged to have written.

Mr Eichenwald is known to have epilepsy. He is a senior writer at Newsweek magazine, a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and a best-selling author of books including The Informant.

'Let's see if he dies'

Investigators found that Mr Rivello had sent messages to other Twitter users about Mr Eichenwald and a plan to attack him virtually, including one that read: "I hope this sends him into a seizure".

Tweet 'caused' epileptic seizure

"Spammed this at [victim] let's see if he dies," another message read, according to the justice department.

Investigators found a screenshot on his iCloud account of an altered Wikipedia page for Mr Eichenwald, falsely listing his date of death as 16 December, a day after the image was sent.

He had also researched epilepsy seizure triggers on the epilepsy.com website.

The Twitter message was no different from "a bomb sent in the mail or anthrax sent in an envelope," Steven Lieberman, a lawyer for Mr Eichenwald, told the New York Times. "It triggers a physical effect."
Mr Rivello will have his case heard in Texas, where his alleged victim is based.

The justice department did not say what motivated the attack, though reports have speculated that it may have been related to Mr Eichenwald's frequent criticism of US President Donald Trump on Twitter.

Mr Eichenwald is reported to have suffered the effects of the seizure for several weeks. He tweeted on Friday that more than 40 people had sent him "strobes" after learning about the case.

After the attack was reported in December, Stefano Seri, a professor of neurophysiology at Aston University in the UK, said the material in the tweet must have been carefully constructed.

"Abrupt changes in light intensity, or luminance, can trigger seizures. The most sensitive range is about 15-25 flashes per second," he said.

"The picture would need to occupy most of the visual field. It would take some very sick people to do this, but technically, it is possible.

"Modern LED screens are not as provocative as older ones. It takes a very carefully designed stimulus to induce a seizure," Prof Seri added.

Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:27 am
Karen Tumulty has a great piece up on Al Franken, one of my favorite US public servants.
Everyone is hearing a lot more from Minnesota’s junior senator these days.

At the dawn of a presidency that stretches the limits of late-night parody, and at a moment when an out-of-power Democratic Party is trying to find its voice, the former comedian and satirist may be having a breakout moment as a political star.

He is also finding it safe to be funny again.

Franken, now 65, barely made it to the Senate, taking his oath in July 2009 after a ballot recount that took eight months to resolve. So he spent his first term trying to prove he was not a joke — buttoning up his wit, buckling down on esoteric issues and sidestepping all but his home-state media.

“I won by 312 votes, right?” he said in an interview. “I had to show people that I was taking the job seriously, and I had come here for serious purposes, and I am still here for serious purposes. So I think I just felt like I was on probation.”
I have great respect for this guy. Not just his intelligence, which is formidable, but for his dedication to his responsibilities and to those he represents. He and his team, from the very beginning, set out to do the job right. They research everything rigorously and seriously. This is not a lazy team and self-aggrandizement is not the game.

All of this was underlined for me when Ted Cruz gained a Senate seat and then used it, starting pretty much from day one, to leverage the position towards his own personal political goals. The contrast between these two men couldn't have been more stark.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:28 am
A US Secret Service laptop with Trump Tower floor plans and other sensitive material has been stolen from an agent's vehicle in New York.

The laptop was protected by encryption and carried no classified information, the Secret Service said.

But the computer does have details on a criminal inquiry into former Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, ABC News said.

Police are looking at surveillance footage to identify a suspect.

The Secret Service released a statement saying "an employee was the victim of a criminal act in which our Agency issued laptop was stolen".

The agency added that its computers "contain multiple layers of security including full disk encryption and are not permitted to contain classified information".
ABC said the female agent's vehicle was targeted in the Bath Beach area of Brooklyn on Thursday.

CBS News said the computer also carried important files on Pope Francis.

A police source told the New York Daily News: "There's data on there that's highly sensitive. They're scrambling like mad."

Secret Service "lapel assignment pins" for President Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign and the United Nations General Assembly were also taken with the laptop, according to US media.

The items were reportedly stolen from a bag inside a car in the agent's driveway. The bag has since been recovered but the laptop has not, US media reported.

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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:29 am
Yeah, I saw that story. Pretty ugly. Just another white conservative terrorist, one might say.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:36 am
And they're all sauntering around the Palace of Versailles in powdered wigs.

Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:41 am
One of the most successful marketing campaigns and slogans ever was Clairol's "Blondes have more fun". I should really work up a conspiracy theory on this.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:46 am
Front cover of the latest Viz.


Chaos in the White House Shite House

"Trump should be impeached for what he's done in my bogs!" Says Capitol Hill Lavatory Attendent.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:46 am
I really hadn't thought about this before
When WikiLeaks released more than 8,000 files about the CIA’s global hacking programs this month, it dropped a tantalizing clue: The leak came from private contractors. Federal investigators quickly confirmed this, calling contractors the likeliest sources. As a result of the breach, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange said, the CIA had “lost control of its entire cyberweapons arsenal.”

Intelligence insiders were dismayed. Agencies “take a chance with contractors” because “they may not have the same loyalty” as officers employed by the government, former CIA director Leon Panetta lamented to NBC.

But this is a liability built into our system that intelligence officials have long known about and done nothing to correct. As I first reported in 2007, some 70 cents of every intelligence dollar is allocated to the private sector. And the relentless pace of mergers and acquisitions in the spies-for-hire business has left five corporations in control of about 80 percent of the 45,000 contractors employed in U.S. intelligence. The threat from unreliable employees in this multibillion-dollar industry is only getting worse.
The notion that "private enterprise does everything better" is an ideological certainty for some. I'm not included in that "some". One of the most disturbing things I've ever seen was that video from Iraq, taken out the back of a mercenary SUV where the hired goons were shooting at innocents in a car behind them - for fun.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:55 am
‘People will simply starve to death’: Why Trump’s plan to slash U.N. funding could lead to global calamity
The world is facing its “largest humanitarian crisis” since 1945, according to the United Nations.
I despise these people so much. They just do not give a damn.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 05:58 am
Who should pay for Trump's wall?

Obviously, the people responsible. Trump and everyone who voted for him.
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 06:32 am
Im gratifid that youve read the entire article. The point was, though NOVAS own "Ombudsman" disgrees nd feels tht thwyve dquately covred Globl Warming NS THE SCIENCE, IT WAS ONLY AT THIS POINT IN 2015 that Dr AhPsell had stqted that they would consider doing a proposal that covers the broad issue of the entire Global Warming (they adopt the GOP approved term , "climate Chnge" a more friendly less effusive issue driven topic).
Since that blog was printed I dont recall anything NOVA has done that fulfills WGBH's promise. (I admit I had been out of country several times in those periods (since its summer there when its winter here and I ont tape NOVA).
Alo, tht article bosts bout th relevance of wht WGBH pilots a "in-depth" shows, and of the 7 hos they listed (between 1983 and today), most are presented as almost given that, while climate change exits, it is heavily debated (among n even number of scientists), that it is still open for debate.
As you recall, I was a member of that crew my entire time at A2K,(UNTIL 2016 when I ws reviewing statistical data through some of Penn States Ag /climate data and core data and One can be more convinced that the micro relationships twixt edaphics and climate is quite real)

Id lays been a proponent of the issue that "we are still coming out of the Pleistocene in some parts of the world" but I qdmit now tht I ws incorrect nd now I feel thqt we shall soon shut the door on turning back these climatic effects that (arguably) will cost us waaay more in GDP than will the loss of some tens of thousands of jobs in the energy industry.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 06:44 am
Ill try to find a climate change thread and get out of this one so, McG, I have an article that parallels my own Journey to Damascus
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 08:50 am
That's the route you and farmerman, equals in "science" have taken. A NIST study that has been shown to be a fraud.

Again, the following is all completely relevant to this thread. If we failed to monitor these "relevant contemporary events", we would miss the entire picture.

The two year, fully open, study [unlike NIST's closed science study] conducted at University of Alaska Fairbanks concludes that NIST's WTC7 report/study has a ZERO chance of being correct. "Zero" is a direct quote from the lead scientist.

Trump's Muslim ban flows directly from 9-11. There is nothing that is being discussed here that doesn't have a connection to 9-11, to the now known to be false NIST report, which is a scientific cover up meant to cover up the actual events that occurred on 9-11.

Alleged hijackers vaporizing steel with jet fuel and office furnishings. Preposterous! So why do people of science accept such nonsense?

WTC7 falling at free fall speed - one moment it is fully supported, the next fraction of a second it is in free fall. Shyam Sunder, the lead NIST scientist, described why free fall was not possible - because there was structural resistance below that had to be overcome, it couldn't be instantaneous because of the columns and girders that were providing resistance.

This explanation from Sunder was when NIST was maintaining that WTC7 fell at 40% longer than free fall. Then NIST was forced, in a public comments briefing, by a high school physics teacher to admit that free fall had taken place.

Again, for those who don't understand science. Free fall, unwittingly described by Sunder, cannot take place unless ALL of the underlying supporting structure is removed. If there is resistance, free fall cannot occur.

Free fall means CONTROLLED DEMOLITION. Controlled demolition means that the alleged hijackers did not cause the collapse of WTC7. Which leads to the inescapable conclusion that the alleged hijackers did not cause the accelerating speed collapses of WTCs 1 & 2. Accelerating speed throughout a collapse is also impossible without explosives removing the supporting structural components below.

Is there anyone here who believes in science?

Wouldn't people who state that they believe in science find it absolutely preposterous that the "scientific paper" that NIST relies on for their collapse analysis was first published on September 13, 2001?

Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:13 am
Uh, no. 9/11 stuff ought to go elsewhere.
Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:17 am
This Trump guy really has achieved unprecedented levels of WTFness
President Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that President Barack Obama, who he previously called a "bad (or sick) guy," has "been very nice" to him.

"He’s been very nice to me personally, but his people haven’t been nice," Trump told Fox News' Jesse Watters. "While he's nice personally, there doesn't seem to be a lot of nice things happening behind the scenes, and that's unfortunate."

Earlier in March, when Trump accused Obama of "wire tapping" his phones at Trump Tower before the 2016 election, he called his predecessor a "bad (or sick) guy."
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Sun 19 Mar, 2017 09:23 am
Draining the Swamp notes from all over
A coal lobbyist may become Scott Pruitt’s right-hand man at the EPA.Andrew Wheeler, an energy attorney and a registered lobbyist for Murray Energy, is “expected” to be offered the deputy administrator position at the Environmental Protection Agency, sources told Politico on Friday. The article cautioned that the White House’s decision “has not yet been finalized.” Indeed, in an email to me, Wheeler said, “I have not been offered any position.” He did not respond to a follow-up asking if he’s actually interested in the job, or if he’s been in contact with the administration.

If Wheeler is given the gig, it appears he would be yet another powerful bureaucrat who falsely denies the science of climate change. In 2006, when he served as a Republican staffer for the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, Wheeler said he believed the planet could actually be moving through a cooling cycle (it wasn’t, and isn’t):
New Republic
So keep your eye on this one.
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