Setanta wrote:The reason for outlawing pistol grips on semi-automatic rifles is that it facilitates the use of kits which can be used to convert semi-automatic rifles to a functional fully-automatic operation.
That is incorrect. Pistol grips do nothing to facilitate the conversion of a weapon from semi-auto to full-auto.
Setanta wrote:In the Waco/Branch Davidian debacle. ATF obtained their search warrant on the basis of AR15 rifles possibly being modified to turn them effectively into M16 fully-automatic assault rifles. The WACO standoff began when people in the compound fired on ATF agents who came to serve the search warrant and conduct the search.
If such conversions were carried out, pistol grips had nothing to do with them.
Setanta wrote:The objection to pistol grips on semi-automatic rifles is precisely that it facilitates the conversion of semi-automatic rifles to fully automatic operation.
As I noted above, pistol grips do nothing to facilitate the conversion of a weapon from semi-auto to full-auto.
Setanta wrote:Your sick repetition of violating peoples' civil liberties for sadistic pleasure only serves to both show that you are parading your opinions as fact, and that the sick person here is you.
Whether it is sick to point out facts is a matter of opinion.
However, you cannot provide any examples of me ever parading my opinions as fact.