monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 15 May, 2019 04:29 pm
maporsche wrote:

I was responding to a poster that had claimed that the Mueller report had completely cleared Trump and all of his associates of collusion (he used these specific words)

That’s all I was doing George before you replied and we had this fun and probably irrelevant tangent.

Really? Your post opened with a direct reference to me and a post of mine which immediately followed one of yours.
Wed 15 May, 2019 05:09 pm
I received both volumes of the Mueller Report today. I will be able to decide for myself what the report does and doesn't say. I ordered my copies from Amazon and I think I paid less than $15....I think it's a bargain and now I can read the exact words without the cheerleaders, naysayers and the brain dead so I can make my own decisions regarding the efforts by the Russians to insinuate themselves into our elections. I can't speak for all of the forum members, but I want the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Chinese and the Saudi's to stay the hell out of our elections. And I don't want them at the Conventions either.
Wed 15 May, 2019 05:19 pm
I downloaded a copy off the internet and can't figure how he was able to condense 400+ pages into a 4 page ssummation.I have already decided he has hidden important information detementral to our president. Lots of blacked out stuff in important sections of the report.
0 Replies
Wed 15 May, 2019 05:36 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

maporsche wrote:

I was responding to a poster that had claimed that the Mueller report had completely cleared Trump and all of his associates of collusion (he used these specific words)

That’s all I was doing George before you replied and we had this fun and probably irrelevant tangent.

Really? Your post opened with a direct reference to me and a post of mine which immediately followed one of yours.

No George, it sure did not. Sorry for the increase in font size, but it's to make this text stand out in what will be a bunch of quotes.

Here is the flow...and damn you for making me take the time to do this properly. All of my replies are in order, and clicking on the @username links takes you back to all of these posts. You're mistaken; no worries.

My initial reply was to Baldimo who replied to revelette1....unless you're also Baldimo (or revelette1) then it wasn't to you.

Baldimo wrote:
revelette1 wrote:
He did not clear Trump and all involved with Collusions.

You are wrong, he was cleared of collusion and that goes for all Americans involved with the Trump campaign.

maporsche wrote:

No. He was cleared of criminal conspiracy.

He was not cleared of non-criminal conspiracy.
He was not cleared of collusion (which isn't even a crime).

georgeob1 wrote:

You are playing with words. A prosecutorial investigation such as Mueller's has the duty and right to determine only the presence or lack of probable cause for legal action. If one is "cleared" under such a procedure than he/she therefore is and remains innocent of any crime under the law.

The rest involves only opinion and viewpoint.

maporsche wrote:

Of course George. I said outright that he was cleared of criminal conspiracy and only criminal conspiracy. You further point out that in reality he was only cleared of there being enough probably cause beyond a reasonable doubt of criminal conspiracy. He is innocent as it stands of the crime of criminal conspiracy....and like I pointed out, ONLY criminal conspiracy.

The report did not clear him of non-criminal conspiracy.
The report did not clear him of collusion.

You agree on those last two points I imagine.

georgeob1 wrote:

I do. However just what constitutes "non criminal conspiracy" or "non criminal collusion". Was the purchase of the production of the Steele dossier (all prepared from Russian sources) by the Clinton campaign collusion or conspiracy? How about the Clinton facilitated (as Sec. State) purchase of North American uranium production, immediately followed by a handsomely paid for speech engagement for husband Bill and a multimillion dollar contribution to the Clinton Foundation that paid the salaries of her coterie of political aides? Were these also "non criminal collusions or conspiracies?

maporsche wrote:

I was responding to a poster that had claimed that the Mueller report had completely cleared Trump and all of his associates of collusion (he used these specific words)

That’s all I was doing George before you replied and we had this fun and probably irrelevant tangent.

georgeob1 wrote:

Really? Your post opened with a direct reference to me and a post of mine which immediately followed one of yours.

0 Replies
Wed 15 May, 2019 06:28 pm
glitterbag wrote:
I received both volumes of the Mueller Report today.
glitterbag wrote:
I ordered my copies from Amazon and I think I paid less than $15....

Aren't official copies available for download for free?

I haven't looked into it, not being interested in reading it myself, but I figured that it would be available as a free PDF or something.

Although I guess if one wanted to sit in a chair and read it in book form instead of on a computer screen that would make a difference.
0 Replies
Wed 15 May, 2019 08:41 pm
Big Tech Tyranny: Facebook Is at It Again, Trying to Sway an Election

Big tech companies absolutely can sway elections, warned an expert last year. And after suppressing conservative content during the 2018 election cycle, Facebook is now at it again. Just two weeks before the upcoming European elections, the “social media” behemoth has banned what Breitbart describes as “23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers.”

According to Voice of Europe (VOE), “The vast majority of the 23 pages … banned supported Italy’s currently governing coalition made up right and left wing populist parties.” Moreover, fully half were in support of rightist entities Lega (the League) and the 5-star movement, Italian website La Stampa reports.

Facebook justified the move by claiming the sites peddled “fake news,” “‘hate speech,’ and ‘divisive content’ regarding vaccines, immigrants, and Jewish people,” VOE relates. The site continues:

Apparently, the tech giant’s decision to ban these pages was informed by a report which was created by a leftist NGO by the name of Avaaz, which claims to focus on environmental campaigns and what they regard as ‘human rights’.

Look at the crap Europe allows because the EU knows they suck, and so does Zuckerburg but can influence the argument in line with globalists by shutting down the other side, because he is such an enlightened man.
0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 12:25 am
US President Donald Trump has signed a full pardon for former media mogul Conrad Black.

Black, 74, was convicted of fraud and obstructing justice in 2007 and jailed for more than three years in the US.

A White House statement described him as an "entrepreneur and scholar".

Canadian-born Black, who has British nationality, was released from prison in 2012. Last year he published a book entitled Donald J Trump: A President Like No Other.

The British peer once ran a media empire that included the UK's Daily Telegraph, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Jerusalem Post.

"Lord Black's case has attracted broad support from many high-profile individuals who have vigorously vouched for his exceptional character," a White House statement announcing the pardon said.

It said he had made "tremendous contributions to business, as well as to political and historical thought".

"In light of these facts, Mr Black is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," the statement added.

Black renounced his Canadian citizenship when he became a British peer in 2001 but moved back to Canada following his release from a Florida prison.

In 2014 Canada stripped him of its highest honour, the Order of Canada, which was awarded in 1990 for a lifetime of achievement.

In 2007 Black was convicted of defrauding Hollinger International shareholders of $6.1m (£4.7m), by paying himself a tax-free bonus from the sale of newspaper assets without the approval of the company's board.

He had been forced out of the company by shareholders in 2003.

After his conviction, Black was sentenced to 78 months in prison. He then pursued a partially successful appeal, in which a judge cut his sentence down to 42 months.

Critics have accused Mr Trump of using his powers of pardon to address what he believes are political wrongs.

In 2017, he pardoned ex-Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who had been convicted of criminal contempt, after he defied a court order to stop traffic patrols targeting suspected immigrants.

Last year he issued a pardon to conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza, who was convicted in 2014 of violating campaign finance laws.

Other pardons have included Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former Vice-President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, who was convicted of lying about leaks to the media, and Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champ, convicted in 1913 of taking his white girlfriend across state lines.

0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 02:18 am
I ordered my copies from Amazon and I think I paid less than $15

Geebus! Woulda thought a gal with your connections could have got a hard copy or file sent to email.

Still banging on about Russia though, so not too bright.

I notice you never ever mention AIPAC, and their stated intention to influence US elections, to benefit their own foreign policy decisions.

I guess you're just too much a part of their machinations to notice now.
0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 02:31 am
THe DNC used the Mueller Report as talking point during the 2018 election...

It wasn't even finished, let alone released, until after the election. Real concern about healthcare was a bigger issue than idle speculation about the contents of the unreleased report.
The DNC even went as far as to create fake Russian accounts...

Do you even know what the DNC is? You obstinately use it as a synonym for the Democratic Party in general, often to the detriment of the point you were attempting to make. The false flag experiment in Alabama was the result of state party operatives; no connection to the DNC has been shown.

Thu 16 May, 2019 04:14 am
hightor wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
THe DNC used the Mueller Report as talking point during the 2018 election,

It wasn't even finished, let alone released, until after the election.

That doesn't change the fact that the Democrats used it to demonize our President.
Thu 16 May, 2019 04:34 am
That doesn't change the fact that the Democrats used it to demonize our President.

Um, how could they use it if it wasn't available? And when it comes to demonizing one's opponents, no one exemplifies this better than Mr. Trump himself, who condemned the FBI, the Justice Department, and Mueller just for doing the job that was assigned to them.
Thu 16 May, 2019 05:04 am
hightor wrote:
Um, how could they use it if it wasn't available?

By talking about the Mueller investigation and implying that Trump was committing horrible crimes.

hightor wrote:
And when it comes to demonizing one's opponents, no one exemplifies this better than Mr. Trump himself, who condemned the FBI, the Justice Department, and Mueller just for doing the job that was assigned to them.

Is it demonization for the victims of a witch hunt to complain about being persecuted by the witch hunters?
Thu 16 May, 2019 05:49 am
By talking about the Mueller investigation and implying that Trump was committing horrible crimes.

The discussion was about the investigation of Russian influence. The discussion is not the same thing as the Mueller Report. Try to be more accurate and this sort of confusion can be avoided.
0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 05:55 am
Frankie Boyle has a wonderful turn of phrase and he certainly nails Trump.

0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 06:25 am
Is it possible to demonise someone who spends all his time attacking minorities, praising neo Nazis and saying how he wants to **** his own daughter?
Thu 16 May, 2019 07:00 am
This is why Capitalism needs to be regulated.

A US middle school has closed for the remainder of the school year after authorities found it was contaminated with radioactive chemicals.

Officials say a nearby air monitor detected enriched uranium and neptunium-237 at Zahn's Corner Middle School in Piketon, southern Ohio.

There are more than 300 pupils and 25 staff at the school.

A nearby nuclear plant made weapons-grade uranium for the Department of Energy until its closure in 2001.

"There's just not a playbook in how we deal with this," superintendent Todd Burkitt told local broadcaster WLWT. "We're kind of writing the script as we go."

Scioto Valley Local School District said the school would remain shut until "the source, extent, level of contamination, and potential impacts to public health and environment can be determined."

According to their letter, both enriched uranium and neptunium are "contaminants of concern" at the nearby Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

The plant made nuclear materials for the US Department of Energy and the US nuclear weapons programme between 1954 and 2001.

"After the Cold War, weapons-grade uranium enrichment was suspended and production facilities were leased to the private sector," the Department of Energy says on its website. "In 2001, enrichment operations were discontinued at the site."

Operations are now under way to decommission and decontaminate the site.

CNN reports that scientists from the Northern Arizona University took air, water and soil samples in the area as authorities set to work creating a waste disposal facility nearby.

The scientists' report, combined with the Department of Energy's annual assessment, convinced the local district to shut the school.

Local councilwoman Jennifer Chandler told CNN that five children in the district had been diagnosed with cancer in the past five years, three of whom have died.

"You don't want to make a claim that you can't back up," she said. "How is this caused? Is this a genetic cancer? Is this an environmental cancer? I'm not a medical professional.

"This isn't a game, you know. These are people's lives."

Thu 16 May, 2019 07:32 am
I didn't know you could buy it.

I agree, Trump was so worried about being perceived as not winning on his own he obstructed the investigations into looking at the evidence of spying, hacking and other interference in our elections. Which to my mind amounts to dereliction of duty and he should be impeached. JMO.
Thu 16 May, 2019 08:09 am
and saying how he wants to **** his own daughter?

He never said that. Pretty lousy thing to say, but I consider sources. How about if he sat back and watched while children were raped and said NOTHING like the UK has done?
0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 08:40 am
Prominent attorney says former CIA Director at center of conspiracy to frame President Trump

“Make no mistake about it, John Brennan is the mastermind of this conspiracy to frame Donald Trump, and to steal his presidency from him after he was elected,” he stated. “John Brennan is at the core of this conspiracy — his handymen and acolytes were Clapper and Comey, and the senior FBI officials who worked with Comey, but lets not forget that all the people at the senior levels of the U.S. Department of Justice under Obama were involved in this plot.”

I doubt Brennan could master mind anything but he could be the fall guy so Clinton or Obama are not exposed.
0 Replies
Thu 16 May, 2019 08:42 am
revelette1 wrote:
I agree, Trump was so worried about being perceived as not winning on his own he obstructed the investigations into looking at the evidence of spying, hacking and other interference in our elections. Which to my mind amounts to dereliction of duty and he should be impeached. JMO.

After the Democrats said that Bill Clinton should stay in office after committing the exact same crime?

Your hypocrisy is appalling.

Not to mention the fact that these Democratic witch hunts have a proven history of fabricating obstruction charges against innocent people (Scooter Libby for example). How are we to know that these obstruction charges are even true?
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