neptuneblue wrote:Here's the reality, Orally. There's a BIG PROBLEM with mass murders in this country. And it doesn't seem to phase you one bit.
It doesn't seem to phase the gun control movement one bit either. They don't try to save lives. They just enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
neptuneblue wrote:You refuse to acknowledge that people wanting to curb gun violence don't do it for "fun" or to "violate civil liberties."
If the reason for banning pistol grips on rifles is anything other than violating people's civil liberties for fun, what is that reason?
neptuneblue wrote:I don't want any body's liberties violated, certainly not mine as well.
You do if you support banning pistol grips on rifles.
neptuneblue wrote:But there's too many loopholes. Too many people are dying at schools, shopping malls, night clubs and outdoor concerts. Access to weapons is as easy as buying a carton of milk, Go to any gun show and you can walk right out with one. Background checks are minimal if existent at all.
If you want to close some loopholes, instead of trying to violate people's civil liberties for fun, try working with the NRA.
Link up tighter background checks with concealed carry reciprocity or the SHARE Act and you just might get some NRA backing.
neptuneblue wrote:So is trying to limit the age requirement. If an 18 cannot buy a 9mm why is it a rifle (which is just as deadly) allowed?
Because the gun control movement said that handguns were a special danger and required a higher age to buy.
If you are allowed to raise the age to buy rifles to the same as the age to buy handguns, you will just turn around and go back to saying that handguns need to have a higher-yet buying age.
If you think it was a mistake to give handguns higher age requirements, the solution to that error is to lower the handgun buying age back to 18.
neptuneblue wrote:Mental health checks? Snort, you say, IT VIOLATES MY RIGHTS!!!!
That's a bit vague. What exactly do you mean by mental health checks?
neptuneblue wrote:You know what also "violates" people's rights? Being shot DEAD. And the people that want to slow down the carnage (because let's get real, there's always going to be murder) you call Leftist, as if that's a cure all to it.
Leftists are not trying to slow down any carnage. How does banning pistol grips on rifles slow down any carnage?
neptuneblue wrote:You offer no solution, no compassion
Neither does the gun control movement. They are only in this for the joy that they get out of violating people's civil liberties.
neptuneblue wrote:and absolutely no changing how things as simple as banning ONE particular type of accessory to make things just a little bit less easy for someone wanting to kill. So I ask you, what IS the purpose of a bump stock if it isn't to kill?
Where did I ever stand in the way of banning bump stocks?
neptuneblue wrote:So let's hear how YOU, yes YOU intend on curbing gun violence. I'm sure the Sandy Hook parents are standing around with baited breath for your solution.
I don't intend to do anything about it. But if you are interested in curbing violence (regardless of whether a gun is involved) I can tell you the only solution that will work: strengthen our social safety net so that our poor no longer face third-world living standards.