monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 09:38 pm
Quote coldjoint:
No bias right? I do not care what you think. Obama had his foot on the throats of small business. Trumps has gotten rid of those ridiculous regulations. The more you examine what Obama did to hurt employment you see a pattern of deliberate failure.

Can't be bias. The chart for Black Full Time jobs since 2008 that shows an upward trend since 2011 comes from the same place your figure for black unemployment comes from. I guess you figure the Bureau of Labor Statistics lies when I quote their figures but it tells the truth when you decide to quote their figures. Typical of you.

And the figure for Full Time Jobs for the whole population sure doesn't look like Obama had his foot on throats of anybody, or of deliberate failure. Quite the opposite, it shows steady success. But then, folks like you don't look at charts for their facts, they look at Fox and believe what they tell him.

Check out the Full Time jobs under Bush, Obama and Trump. Steadily UPWARD since 2011. But the people you get your information from will never tell you that.

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 09:42 pm
Can't be bias.

I was talking about your scoring that is why I quoted it. You better take a nap.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 09:47 pm
Scoring wasn't biased. You gave an recognized indicator of economic performance that seemed to make Trump look good, she gave another recognized indicator that indicated he was not so spectacular. That's Revellete 1.

Then I gave another indicator that made Obama look good, and you didn't even bother to answer. That's a big zero. So it's 1-0 Revellette in a walkover.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:03 pm
Scoring wasn't biased.

Again not your call. And everything you say is biased. And your announcement of ignoring people you do not wish to hear only shows how narrow minded, if not closed, minded you are.

Obama's goal was to relieve this country of its super power status by redistributing wealth, signing resolutions from the UN that chipped away at our sovereignty, and gave away some of our water rights. Trump fixed that.
The economy will win in 2020, and if Dems obstruct Trump's agenda if they take the House, Republicans will win by a landslide in 2020.

You guys are toast.

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:25 pm
Quote coldjoint:
Again not your call.

Certainly is my right to make the observation that when you challenged Revellette to prove that Trump isn't a huge economic improvement over Obama, she produced a recognized indicator to show he wasn't. But when I posted a chart showing that Trump is really no improvement over Obama, you had no response, even though you were still on the board. (I wouldn't have held it against you if went to do something else, but you stuck around unable to answer.
0 Replies
Real Music
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:31 pm
Watch Obama dig into Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner.

In 2011, Hawaii released President Obama's birth certificate after much prodding from Donald Trump and the 'Birther Movement.'
Obama took the opportunity to crack some jokes about it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Very Happy

0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:42 pm
Quote codjoint:
Obama's goal was to relieve this country of its super power status by redistributing wealth, signing resolutions from the UN that chipped away at our sovereignty, and gave away some of our water rights. Trump fixed that.

Obama's mission was to keep this country from falling off the cliff Bush had it hurtling toward and to get the country economically moving. He actually accomplished this, no help from the conservative media which only knows how to supply their loyal followers such as yourself with slogans while the actual economic performance charts showed a rousing recovery. Check it out-remember Obama took over in January of 2009-looked how the crash turned into an upward economy once Obama went to work:
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:53 pm
And as an admitted Trump supporter you embarrass yourself by talking about American sovereignty while Trump's campaign met with Russians to get information on his opponent and he admitted on NBC that he fired Comey because Comey wouldn't abandon the Russia investigation. Not to mention filling his campaign and Administration with Putin admirers, (Bannon), Putin errand boys, (Flynn), people in the process of begging for loans from Kremlin controlled banks, (Jared Kushner), an attorney general who lied to the Senate about supposedly not meeting Russian officials when he did so twice. Sorry, the Sovereignty Defense for Trump is a joke.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 10:56 pm
The stock market does not always reflect the economy. Period. The GDP does.
Real Music
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 11:04 pm

The stock market does not always reflect the economy. Period. The GDP does.

0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 11:19 pm
Quote coldjoint:
The stock market does not always reflect the economy. Period. The GDP does.

The economy has several measures, one of which is the stock market. The GDP is the one used most often, but most economists say that long range the stock market is a good indicator of the economy. Besides which I just posted the inflation adjusted GDP during Obama's term and the GDP shows a strong recovery under Obama over several years from the 2008 crash, something your sources of right wing information never got round to telling you.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 12:56 am
A Bob Woodward expose book has been a rite of passage for presidential administrations since the storied investigative reporter first made a name for himself by breaking Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal. Now it's Donald Trump's turn under the microscope.

The picture revealed - of an administration having a "nervous breakdown of executive power" - is unflattering in the extreme.

Donald Trump's supporters will say, not without cause, that Woodward epitomises the Washington establishment their man is fighting against.

It's also true, however, that the reporter has unrivalled access to the corridors of power, and the general Washington consensus is that it's better to talk to him than not, since your colleagues - and enemies - are certainly giving him their side of the story.

While the accounts in Fear: Trump in the White House are provided on "deep background" - i.e. without attribution - the episodes Woodward recounts and the quotes he uses come from those in the room - and often, in fact, from the people who were doing the speaking.

The White House, and the president himself, have since responded to the book, calling it "fabricated stories" by "former disgruntled employees".

"It's just another bad book," Mr Trump told the Daily Caller during an interview, adding that Woodward "has a a lot of credibility problems".

Here's a look at some of the blockbuster revelations that have emerged so far from early excerpts of Woodward's book.


Lots more at link.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:19 am
Trump's No. 1 ally in the ME.

Saudi prosecutors say they will punish satire on social media that "mocks, provokes or disrupts public order, religious values and public morals".

Anyone producing or distributing such material could face up to five years in prison and an $800,000 (£623,000) fine.

Prosecutors have in the past used the Gulf kingdom's anti-cybercrime law to prosecute critics of the government.

But the latest announcement emphasises that satire can now also get social media users in serious trouble.

In the past year, the Saudi authorities carried out an apparent crackdown on dissent that has reportedly seen dozens of women's rights activists, human rights defenders, influential Islamist clerics and intellectuals detained.

The most prominent cleric to have been arrested is Salman al-Odah, who has more than 14 million followers on Twitter.

On Tuesday, Saudi activists and Mr Odah's family reported that prosecutors were seeking the death penalty at his trial at a terrorism tribunal in Riyadh.

The 61-year-old - who was arrested last September after posting a tweet endorsing warmer relations with Qatar - is accused of "seeking to spread sedition" and "incitement against the rulers", according to London-based rights group ALQST.

Mr Odah's son, Abdullah, said he faced 37 charges in total, including establishing an organisation for defending the Prophet Muhammad and tweeting against "tyranny".

There was no immediate confirmation from the authorities, but the pro-government newspaper Okaz and other Saudi media also reported on the case.

Adam Coogle of Human Rights Watch tweeted that "bringing the death penalty into a case like this is a major escalation in the level of repression".

Prosecutors are also said to have sought the death penalty for five activists, including the female rights defender Israa al-Ghomgham, on trial for participating in anti-government protests by the minority Shia Muslim community in Qatif.

0 Replies
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 02:31 am
Saudis love the Clintons. Pay per play.


The Clinton family, through their Clinton Foundation, has received tens of millions of dollars in donations from Saudi businessmen, princes and their friends. The Saudi government alone gave more than $10 million.

Wealthy Saudi citizens such as Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi and Nasser Al-Rashid (the latter who is said to have close ties with the Saudi royal family) have given generously to the notorious nonprofit, which does not publish specific donation amounts but offers rough figures. While Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State, arms sales worth more than $29 billion were approved for Saudi Arabia, including advanced fighter jets that raised complaints with American ally Israel about the region’s balance of power.
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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 03:08 am

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.
12:04 PM - 1 Mar 2013


0 Replies
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 05:12 am
Ted Cruz exposes the wretched demopoop agenda at the Kavanaugh hearing.


Wed 5 Sep, 2018 05:34 am
....exposes the wretched demopoop agenda.....

I'm really struggling to get a visual here.....
0 Replies
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 07:17 am
Bob Woodward's new book -- "Fear: Trump in the White House" -- exploded onto the political scene on Tuesday morning. It included anecdotes like: President Donald Trump's aides purposely keeping information from him in order to protect the country; a failed mock-interview in preparation for a potential sit-down with special counsel Robert Mueller over Russia; and Trump lashing out at aides, most notably Jeff Sessions, referring to his attorney general as "mentally retarded."
All of this is salacious. And makes for great headlines.

But what's truly worrisome for President Trump and his administration is that the portrait Woodward paints of a chaotic, dysfunctional, ill-prepared White House is all strangely familiar. It's the same vision of the White House that Michael Wolff wrote way back in January in "Fire and Fury." It's the same picture that Omarosa Manigault-Newman constructed in her memoir of her year in the White House. It's the same story that White House reporters at CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and virtually every other mainstream media outlet has told of the Trump White House.

Sure, Omarosa could be a disgruntled former aide trying to make money while exacting revenge on her enemies. Sure, Michael Wolff could have been misled by a few sources with scores to settle with Trump. Sure, reporters could get a detail or two wrong. Sure, Woodward could have cast a scene or two in ways that are less than favorable to Trump.

But how could all -- and I mean all -- of the reporting on this White House reach a striking similar conclusion? The portraits of Trump drawn by Wolff, Omarosa and Woodward are all eerily similar to one another -- a man hopelessly out of his depth in the job, but entirely incapable of understanding how desperately out of depth he actually is. A man motivated almost entirely by personal grievance. A man willing to humiliate people who work for him, to play staffers against one another, to scapegoat underlings to keep blame off of himself. Someone who has so much self-belief that he rarely adequately prepares for situations involving international diplomacy and national security. Top aides who view that their jobs are primarily keeping Trump from causing serious harm, and grousing every step of the way about the man.

And now Bob Woodward -- without question the preeminent political reporter and chronicler of the White House in the last four decades -- has written a book that confirms every bit of the portrayals we've seen about who Trump is, who he surrounds himself and how he conducts his business.

The consistency in those storylines is virtually impossible to explain in any other way than this: It's true. To believe otherwise, you have to convince yourself that not only the entire daily media but also the likes of Wolff and Woodward all got together and agreed on how to portray Trump across tweets, stories and books. Which is, of course, beyond ridiculous.

The Point: What Woodward's book does is confirm all of the negative stories we've already heard about Trump and his administration. This isn't the work of a reporter with credibility problems or a press-loving former aide. This is the story. This is the President and how he really acts and thinks.


Trump might have trouble denying the allegations in the book so well this time; there are tapes.

Furious Trump trapped by hundreds of Woodward tapes
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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 09:20 am
shows a strong recovery under Obama over several years from the 2008 crash, something your sources of right wing information never got round to telling you.

Obama's best year? 2.6 percent in 2015. That's so weak that it is beneath the post-WWII average of 2.9 percent. In other words, Obama's best year of economic growth would have been a below-average year across the past 70 years.

The following chart shows the best year of real GDP growth under each president since WWII:

There is a large chart for you. Can you see it? Obama's economy sucked. Hands down the worst since WWII.
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