monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:04 pm
Another sizable group-perhaps the largest-wants to go back to 1860 so that they can make the case that the South had the right to secede and that the Civil War should be referred to as the Second War of Independence.

Illustrative of just how fundamentally hypocritical the USA is and has always been. The founding terrorists thought they could break the law to form a country, so why shouldn't southerners have that same right.

Always such stunning hypocrisy! The USA is Hypocrisy Central/Hypocrisy R'Us.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:05 pm
Actually I am not too good at finding charts, if they're complicated, I would rather take a beatin' so to speak. But yeah, we do need more people to post facts and charts rather than insults.

The new Woodward book is going to be really good. Just soon as I find the particulars, I'm signing up for a pre-order.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:14 pm
Quote coldjoint:
No one cares who you have on ignore.
You are in no position to know that. And I only bring it up to remind people how it can make such an improvement in the enjoyment level at A2k.

Quote coldjoint:
And since you just replied to me we can see you are also hypocrite about that too.
No hypocrisy at all, when you put someone on Ignore you a line appears where their post would normally be with little box which gives you the option to "view". So rest assured you and camlok are on Ignore, but it's my goddamn option to "view" your post anytime I want with no explanations necessary.

For instance, here is the homocysteine reducing version of page 2807, with only sensible posters allowed and you and camlok on Ignore. So much more enjoyable.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:15 pm
The new Woodward book is going to be really good.

Mattis already said he is lying and that Woodward is going to have credibility problems because of this book. And when I respond with what you think is an insult is simply replying in kind. The treatment of some people by the big shots(or so they think) is terrible and insulting. That is the same kind of arrogance that put Trump in the WH. I suggest you report it or deal with it.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:20 pm
how it can make such an improvement in the enjoyment level at A2k.

Every hack wants to read what he agrees with. I see you are no different. Nothing like an echo chamber. Twins in your case, because there is another echo chamber between your ears.
You are in no position to know that.

Has that ever stopped you?
with only sensible posters allowed

Of course that label is up to you, wrong again.

0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:30 pm
Quote revellete:
Actually I am not too good at finding charts, if they're complicated,

I dunno, you did a nice job posting the stock market chart showing the market going up, up, up for years before Trump took office. Here it is:


You did a good job there. Very Happy
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:34 pm
You did a good job there

Considering she was replying to a post that said nothing about the stock market she did a terrible job. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:39 pm
D’OH! Sen. Dianne Feinstein accidentally ADMITS she fears Kavanaugh will enforce the Constitution

That about sums it up. The Constitution stands in the way of what Democrats and others want to do if they regain power. That fact is showing, big time. But some random chart might show something different. Laughing
We all know Brett Kavanaugh is a literalist when it comes to the Constitution, so when Senator Dianne Feinstein claimed she feared his views would keep people from enacting ‘sensible gun laws’ she all but admitted she’s afraid that the Constitution will be enforced.

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:41 pm
As usual, illogical and unwarranted conclusions drawn either by you, cj, or your wacky right wing websites.

Such dishonesty is central to your every post.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:43 pm
Here is a link to your thread. https://able2know.org/topic/475392-1
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 04:45 pm
Why don't you want to talk about your illogical and unwarranted conclusions drawn either by you, cj, or your wacky right wing websites?
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:05 pm
Quote coldjoint:
Considering she was replying to a post that said nothing about the stock market she did a terrible job

The stock market is one indicator of economic performance over the long term. As such, it was a pretty decent answer.


Then I posted my chart above of black Full Time jobs under Bush, Obama and Trump, and you did not even have the nerve to reply.

Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:26 pm
Gotta love the honesty in the comments here.

0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:30 pm
That page looks great!
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:31 pm

No bias right? I do not care what you think. Obama had his foot on the throats of small business. Trumps has gotten rid of those ridiculous regulations. The more you examine what Obama did to hurt employment you see a pattern of deliberate failure.

The economy preformed in spite of Obama.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 05:32 pm
America has spoken

Always without thinking.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 06:37 pm
Blickers wrote:

Another sizable group-perhaps the largest-wants to go back to 1860 so that they can make the case that the South had the right to secede and that the Civil War should be referred to as the Second War of Independence.

You're probably referring to The War of Yankee Aggression.
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 07:00 pm
Yuuuuugely interesting interview regarding spygate right here.

0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 08:46 pm
Quote Roger:
You're probably referring to The War of Yankee Aggression.

That too! Very Happy
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2018 08:58 pm
Anyone see any Russian collusion besides the DNC's and Killary's yet?
0 Replies

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