monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 5 Sep, 2018 09:22 am
Lots more at link.

Did you know there are also books about the grooming scandals in the UK? What about those books, have you read any?
Easy Meat: Inside Britain's Grooming Gang Scandal

Peter McLoughlin spent years believing the Leftist narrative, namely it was 'a racist myth' that organised Muslim groups in Britain and the Netherlands (‘grooming gangs’) were luring white schoolgirls into a life of prostitution. But in 2009 he first encountered people who said their children had been groomed like this. These informants had non-white people in their immediate and extended family, and were thus unlikely to be racists.

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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 10:51 am
You attack others but fail to note just how plug dumb are so many of the Trump supporters, cj.

Based on a recent science poll, about a 1/4 of Americans still believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth.

Do you hold this idea also?

At 3:22 of,

9/11: The Devil's in the details

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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 11:04 am
Germans saw it right after WWII, they saw Eisenhower's planned death camps for German soldiers.

All the US ever exports is the rankest of propaganda, but it must be noted that it is the best propaganda ever.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."
- Adolph Hitler
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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 11:20 am
Feinstein questioned Kavanaugh about his views on investigations involving a sitting president. In the 1990s, Kavanaugh was a member of independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s team investigating President Bill Clinton. After subsequently serving in the Bush White House in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Kavanaugh said he came to believe that sitting presidents should not be distracted by criminal investigations or civil lawsuits.

Kavanaugh emphasized Wednesday that he had not taken a position on constitutional issues regarding presidential investigations. “They were ideas for Congress to consider. They were not my constitutional views,” Kavanagh said of his writing in a 2009 Minnesota Law Review article.

Feinstein also pressed Kavanaugh about whether a sitting president can be required to respond to a subpoena. The judge praised the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that forced President Richard M. Nixon to turn over the Watergate tapes as a prime example of judicial independence. He declined, however, to answer the senator’s specific question.

“I can’t give you an answer on that hypothetical question,” he said.

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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 11:22 am
It is not a matter of he said/he said in this matter; Woodward has tapes to back up his claims.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 11:32 am
Woodward has tapes to back up his claims.

Then we should hear them. Do you have a link or know when we are going to hear them? Do you remember what Cohen's tape did?
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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:19 pm
China declares Islam an ‘incurable tumour’ and a ‘poisonous medicine’

A sane view of Islam. It is past time we listen, I do not care who brings it up, even China.
The official radio of China’s official Communist Party broadcasted:

“Members of the public who have been chosen for re-education have been infected by an ideological illness. They have been infected with religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology, and therefore they must seek treatment from a hospital as an inpatient.”

“The religious extremist ideology is a type of poisonous medicine, which confuses the mind of the people. … If we do not eradicate religious extremism at its roots, the violent terrorist incidents will grow and spread all over like an incurable malignant tumour,” the radio statement broadcast via WeChat to Uighurs last year, said.

Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:23 pm
It is past time we listen, I do not care who brings it up,

The ranting of a crazed right wing, brainwashed follower.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:38 pm
The ranting of a crazed right wing, brainwashed follower.

That is a funny way of saying informed and aware. I started a thread for you.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:46 pm
Unless Bob Woodward Releases Tapes Proving His Book is Real, Fear Will Actually Help Trump

Got that right. Those tapes could be released today, it's early. They could be all over the internet before dinner.
While I have very little regard for the integrity of anyone who has sold their soul to Trump, it is really difficult to believe that any of those who have already come out and strongly denied Woodward’s account would be so incredibly stupid to do so if they thought there was any chance Woodward had them on tape. I have to conclude, based on what we currently know, that we are never going to hear any “gotcha” audio clips contradicting the denials because Woodward didn’t speak directly to the people he quoted, and he granted anonymity to those he did actually speak.

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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:52 pm
informed and aware

The notion that you and your fellow Trump followers/liars are hardly what anyone sane would call "informed and aware".

You can even address the simplest issues surrounding 9/11 and its aftermath, yet you embrace all the lies just to rant about how you hate Muslims, and more generally dark skinned people in all the countries the US has invaded.
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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 01:59 pm
There are phony causes in the world, people whose problems in life are 99% self-inflicted who prefer blaming and guilt tripping the rest of the world over the remaining 1% to ever trying to rethink their own thought processes and conduct. Colin Kaepernick and the idiots who have joined him in this venture have created another example of this. The claim is that blacks, presumably including the millionaire blacks who play footfall for the NFL, are savagely mistreated in the United States by whites and others, particularly cops, and that paying customers of the NFL need to see them disrespecting the American flag and national anthem on account of this.

An overwhelming law of averages says that somewhere in the United States in the space of six months or a year, a white cop will shoot a black person who may or may not be committing some kind of a crime. There is something wrong with the situation in which those instances always produce riots and mayhem while, seemingly, nobody gives a rats ass about the 50 to 100 black people gunned down in Chicago every weekend of the year.

In real life, you could remove five or six cities from the United States and what would be left would have crime statistics as low as you would be likely to find in the world. Virtually all of the urban pathology in America occurs in urban centers which are still controlled by old-style Democrat machine politics. The basic reality is that if you wanted to put a stop to it and if you have the power to do it, your first step would be to outlaw and ban the Democrat party.

The good news is that if the 2016 election were to be re-held today, Donald Trump would take 40% of the black vote and, in the 2020 election that number may be more like 50 or 60%. The most major victims of all that bullshit appear to be thinking their way out of it.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 02:08 pm
disrespecting the American flag and national anthem on account of this.

Neither the American flag or national anthem deserve any respect. They certainly don't deserve the Nazi like adoration that Nazi like Americans give them.

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Wed 5 Sep, 2018 02:15 pm
Donald Trump would take 40% of the black vote

That will only increase by 2020, and most likely after that.
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 02:50 pm
The New York Times on Wednesday published an anonymous op-ed written by an author who claimed to be one of a number of Trump administration officials working to "thwart" President Trump's "worst inclinations."

In the piece, titled, "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration," the author says that while officials "want the administration to succeed," they have had to work against Trump's "misguided impulses" and parts of his agenda.

"To be clear, ours is not the popular 'resistance' of the left," the piece reads. "We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.

"But we believe our first duty is to this country, and the president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic," the unidentified official writes.

"This isn't the work of the so-called deep state," the person continued. "It's the work of the steady state."

The Times said in a note attached to the op-ed that the author, described as "a senior official in the Trump administration," requested their essay be published anonymously.

The newspaper said that the person's identity was known to the Times and their "job would be jeopardized" by their name being disclosed.

The Hill

The OP-Ed
Wed 5 Sep, 2018 03:03 pm

some characters/different combo


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