monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 01:15 pm
The Rand Corporation has released a Gun Policy Comparison Tool which allows you to see the likely effects of different gun laws on the number of gun related deaths in all US states:
Walter Hinteler
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 01:23 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 01:32 pm
Haven't heard much about this on here; but, if true it shows criminal misuse of power.

Kushner was working a huge half billion dollar loan from Qatar. In the end, it failed. tRump then very publically and strongly backed a Saudi Arabian boycott of Qatar. For what, human rights violations. What a joke, Saudi Arabia is a bastion of human rights abuses and tRump openly applauds tyrants who display human rights abuses. Even to the maximum, death!

Why, it is obvious. Quid pro quo for Qatar not giving Kushner the loan. This is wrong on about 5 different fronts with multiple big time felonies for both Kushner and tRump down the road. Corrupt mofos these two!
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 01:42 pm
I suppose it is slightly possible this family is corrupt.
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:05 pm
That your post was extremely unnecessary, unprovoked and terribly European. You are generally above that sort of thing.

Though this might be seen as addressing McGentrix's post, it certainly isn't.

What is the point of wasting one's valuable time thumbing down McGentrix's reply to Nimh, the one I have quoted?

Nimh was more than capable of addressing the issue and he did in fact illustrate that McGentrix wasn't being at all reasonable.

Thumbing down is exceedingly childish. If you don't possess enough adult like qualities to confront the person directly, don't be a baby about it and vote them down.

Thumbing up does have its merits.

0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:08 pm
wee bit maybe
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:11 pm
Yes. I certainly wouldn't want to overstate the case. The Trumps could be spiritually pure and the rest of us just don't know about it.
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:12 pm
What a joke, Saudi Arabia is a bastion of human rights abuses and tRump openly applauds tyrants who display human rights abuses. Even to the maximum, death!

Every US president supports, applauds, helps with death squads so why are you getting your knickers in such a twist over Trump. This support of all the other myriad US installed/supported brutal, right wing dictators was also done for the financial reward of some US business.

Why shouldn't Trump's favorites get in on the scam?

Don't you consider your remarks to be hypocritical?
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:13 pm
Well, anything is possible I suppose
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:15 pm
Bentham Open journals claim to employ peer review;[5] however, the fact that a fake paper generated with SCIgen was accepted for publication, has cast doubt on this.[6][7][8] The Publisher contended that the paper was never published but that the acceptance was an attempt to catch the author who submitted the paper [9]Furthermore, the publisher is known for spamming scientists with invitations to become a member of the editorial boards of its journals.[10] Such unsolicited emails also had prompted the SCIgen paper submission to the journal.[7] The emails sent by Bentham also included invitations to the editorial board of subjects where the recipient had no expertise (and thus should not have been invited by any sound journal).[7] In consequence, some editors quit the collaboration with Bentham.[6][8]

In 2009, the Bentham Open Science journal The Open Chemical Physics Journal published a study contending dust from the World Trade Center attacks contained "active nanothermite",[11] a well known 9/11 conspiracy theory. Following publication, the journal's editor-in-chief Marie-Paule Pileni resigned stating, "They have printed the article without my authorization… I have written to Bentham, that I withdraw myself from all activities with them".[12]

In a review of Bentham Open for The Charleston Advisor, Jeffrey Beall noted that "in many cases, Bentham Open journals publish articles that no legitimate peer-review journal would accept, and unconventional and nonconformist ideas are being presented in some of them as legitimate science." He concluded by stating that "the site has exploited the Open Access model for its own financial motives and flooded scholarly communication with a flurry of low quality and questionable research."[13] Beall has since added Bentham Open to his list of "Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers".[4]

In 2013, The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal was one of the journals that accepted an obviously bogus paper submitted as part of the Who's Afraid of Peer Review? sting.[14] It has since been discontinued.[15]

In a 2017 study of invitation spam by predatory publishers, Bentham Open was one of the most frequent invitation spammers.[16]

Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:39 pm
Evidently these shooters preferred AR15 styled weapons, and in fact, in most of the deadliest shootings of this decade.

That doesn't take away from the fact that the vast majority of mass shootings were done with handguns. So what about it? Are you in favor of a ban on handguns, or not?

Also, you must believe that, in the absence of semi-automatic rifles, mass shooters wouldn't resort to semi-automatic pistols, automatic shotguns and other things. That would be silly since a majority of mass shooters already do.
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:40 pm
revelette1 wrote:
You simply don't recognize truth, oralloy.

Yes I do. That's why I always post it.

revelette1 wrote:
You merely keep repeating some obscure statement over and over again as though it meant something the first time, much less the 20th or 50th time. You do it in every single subject on these threads.

Directly addressing the substance of an argument is hardly some obscure statement.

I generally only correct each untrue statement one time. On rare occasions I might revisit a reply if I think of something to add.

If I am providing corrections over and over again, it is because someone else has chosen to make untrue statements over and over again.

Interesting that you are objecting to me correcting repeated untrue statements but are not objecting to the repeated untrue statements.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:41 pm
hightor wrote:
You're more than welcome. We know that assault-style weapons have been used as well. Better data would show if this were part of a trend.

Why do choices over cosmetics matter at all?

hightor wrote:
But there must be a reason why these shooters would prefer these to handguns — or they'd use handguns. I believe it may be connected to the substantially increased firepower and their psychological allure.

Cosmetic features do not result in any increase in firepower.

hightor wrote:
I'm concerned how they use them.

It doesn't show. You seem to be mostly obsessing over which cosmetic features they choose.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:43 pm
hightor wrote:
Evidently these shooters preferred AR15 styled weapons, and in fact, in most of the deadliest shootings of this decade. Why?

Why do choices over cosmetic features even matter?
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:50 pm
Bentham Open journals claim to employ peer review;

When you reveal yourself to be one who isn't interested in discussing the science and the facts of 9/11, hightor, this kind of response reveals itself for the nonsense it is.

A peer-reviewer of the "Active Thermitic Materials" paper identifies himself... Great!
ProfJones thu, 12/02/2010 - 9:36am
Farrer Griscom harrit nano-thermite thermite

As a Full Professor of Physics at BYU, I reviewed dozens of scientific papers as a peer-reviewer. I have reviewed papers since accepting early retirement from BYU in 2007. And I have published as author or co-author over fifty papers which have been subjected to peer-review. Based on my experience in the peer-review system, I can add that it is not the place of an author of a paper or even an editor to reveal the names of peer-reviewers, but it is precedented and generally acceptable in the scientific community for a peer-reviewer to disclose his/her OWN name and role in the review of an important paper. This is the case for a prominent reviewer of the Harrit, Farrer, et al. paper -- one of the reviewers discloses his name and further comments on our paper and his review of it here: http://impactglassman.blogspot.com/2010/09/911-truth-evidence-of-energetic.html . The reviewer's name is Prof. David L. Griscom. Among his impressive credentials, Prof. Griscom is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a Fellow of the AAAS. I quote a brief excerpt from his blog and encourage you to read all of it:

"II. The 2009 publication in The Open Chemical Physics Journal (TOCPJ) of a fabulous paper by Harrit et al. entitled “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” Some disparagers of the 9/11 Truth movement have alleged that TOCPJ is a place on the web where anybody can buy a publication without peer review. Absolutely false! I know this because I was one of the referees of the Harrit et al. paper. The editors asked for my opinion. And after about two weeks of studying what the authors had written, checking relevant references, and gathering my thoughts, I finally provided my advice to authors in 12 single-spaced pages, together with my recommendation to the Editors that they publish the paper after the authors had considered my suggestions. Still, some skeptical readers may ask how anyone can rate a scientific paper as “fabulous.” Well, I am the principal author of 109 papers (and a co-author of an additional 81) in peer-review journals. And have refereed a least 600, and possibly as many as 1000, manuscripts. So you would be right in calling me an aficionado of articles published in scientific journals. And I found absolutely nothing to criticize in the final version of the Harrit et al. paper! Apropos, twelve of my own publications have appeared in the American Institute of Physics’ Journal of Chemical Physics (an old fashioned paper journal), so it is accurate to say that chemical physics (of inorganic materials) is my main specialty."

Prof. Griscom also addresses the reason why pieces of paper in the Towers would survive an explosive demolition (see his blog, answers to questions).

As one of the authors of this paper, I can say that Prof. Griscom's twelve pages of review were very well thought-out and required us to do considerable further work on the paper, which improved the final version significantly. This was one tough review, more challenging than any other review I have received, excepting perhaps peer-reviews of papers in Scientific American (1987) and Nature (1989) on which I was co-author. I should also add that I have never met Prof. Griscom personally and that I just learned of his blog disclosing himself as a peer-reviewer today (thanks to Dirk Gerhardt).

I wish to extend kudos to Prof. Griscom for thus speaking out in his blog. He has done some relevant things before; now it seems he has decided to speak out boldly. He strikes me as a solid and creative scientist who can contribute much to our effort. I am excited that he has spoken out in his blog. Now, as is common among scientists, I may not accept all his ideas (e.g., drone planes hitting the Towers); but he clearly distinguishes between his hypotheses --conjectures to be tested-- and hard physical evidence which has been scrutinized, peer-reviewed and published. That is also proper in science.

Welcome, Professor Griscom.

[EDIT: Link to Dr. Griscom's blog: http://impactglassman.blogspot.com/ LW]


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Sat 3 Mar, 2018 02:54 pm
Could we all avoid feeding the idiotic September 11th conspiracy obsession? There are plenty of other places for that, and we don't need to encourage the trashing of this thread. Thank you.
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 03:02 pm
Do you deny that US military scientists discovered and developed new "super thermites" in the 1990s?

Are you really trying to advance the idea that the nine top scientists who wrote this paper are advancing a lie, pretending they discovered unreacted particles of nanothermite in WTC dust, hightor, when they actually didn't?

Don't you think you would have heard an amazing amount of backlash from thousands of scientists, the MSM would have been all over it for months on end if that were the case?

It would have been on TV 24/7, the offending scientists would have lost their jobs, been totally disgraced, some might even have committed suicide.

You are lamely trying to portray a false scenario and for this, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Here is the peer review scientist who made his name known as for reviewing Harrit et al .

David L Griscom

B.S. in Physics, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1960 Ph.D. in Physics, Brown University, 1966. Fellow, American Physical Society. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fellow, American Ceramic Society. Member, Geological Society of America, Research Physicist at Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, DC, 1967-2001. Fulbright-García Robles Fellow at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1997. Invited Professor of Research at Universités de Paris-6 & 7, Lyon-1, et St-Etienne (France) and Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2000-2004. Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona, 2004-2005. Consultancy: impactGlass research international, 2005-present. Winner, one national and two international research awards and honored by Brown University with a "Distinguished Graduate School Alumnus Award." Author, 198 papers in peer-reviewed journals and books, Principal Author of 114 of these.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 03:12 pm
Could we all avoid feeding the idiotic September 11th conspiracy obsession? There are plenty of other places for that, and we don't need to encourage the trashing of this thread. Thank you.

Pages and pages of gun talk and myriad other things haven't raised your ire, Setanta, so why has this twisted up your drawers?

Again, the people who have an obsession about 9/11 are those, like you, who deny science and the facts. The USGOCT is a conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it.

If any of you had any actual, court room quality evidence, you would be advancing it very fast.

US military developed nanothermite in WTC dust is a scientific fact. It has been written up in a peer reviewed paper that has never been contested. Therefore, it is the standing science. What is more contemporary than that?

No one else in the world has NANOTHERMITE. Highly knowledgeable scientists outside of the military loop say they have no idea how it is made.

These new nano scale "super thermites" can blow a tennis ball sized hole thru 11.2 feet of high grade armor steel at speeds up to 10 kilometers per second. That means WTC structural steel had no chance at all.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 03:13 pm
I gave you a thumbs up for effort, hightor.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Mar, 2018 03:21 pm
revelette1 wrote:
You simply don't recognize truth, oralloy. You merely keep repeating some obscure statement over and over again as though it meant something the first time, much less the 20th or 50th time. You do it in every single subject on these threads.

I mentioned that now and then I think of something and reply a second time. This is one of those times.

I just remembered that you've recently posted articles in this very thread that confirm that I am correct that the assault weapons stuff is cosmetic.


So since you know that I'm the one who is correct here, why are you pretending that I'm not?
0 Replies

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