monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Tue 13 Feb, 2018 05:44 pm
For two years, we’ve heard from the media that we mustn’t “normalize” the Trump administration. Now they’re normalizing a regime with one of the worst human-rights records on the planet, one that murdered American Otto Warmbier, created a modern gulag system for dissidents, and let hundreds of thousands of its own citizens starve to death.


They're not America-Haters, traitors, ideological warriors, or sinister agents of a vast Left-wing conspiracy, they are a puerile claque more reminiscent of a group of 7th-grade girls than a leftist fifth column.

Gushing over the sister of a monstrous dictator and a member of an incredibly brutal and truly evil regime because of her no-nonsense sense of style or her giving the American VP the “deadly side-eye” is an indication that the MSM is truly now in full Hollywood mode, channeling Heda Hopper rather than Edward R. Murrow.

I disagree with Shapiro in one important respect, this isn't Edgar Snowe or Walter Duranty spinning false mythology to provide bloody-handed tyrants with cover because of ideological inclinations. They were the quintessential Useful Idiots who didn't deserve to be called journalists, but at least they were serving some sort of cause, as disgraceful as it may have been. Today's clique of snarky, self-absorbed sophisticates ignore the nature of the Kim dynasty and the horrors it has visited on the people of North Korea not because they are vacuous romanticists with a child's comprehension of communism and it's history of suffering and murder, but because Kim Yo Jong has provided them with a new means to attack and insult The President and Vice-President of the United States. It is far hipper and far more indicative of being woke, to consider these two as worse threats to the world than fat-boy, Kim Jung Un.

I've no real idea if the spare but smiling Kim Yo Jong wished to attend the Olympics in South Korea, although given that her job is Director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Workers' Party of Korea, one has to assume she saw it as her duty. At the same time what North Korean (even a high ranking member of the regime) would pass on the opportunity to spend time away from their hopeless national gulag and bask in the light and warmth of modern civilization (even if closely watched and only for a short time)? Additionally, even if the spartan Director loathed the idea of spending time among Capitalist Running Dogs and occupying the same VIP box as War-Monger Mike Pence, it's unlikely she would have had the nerve to refuse her brother's request, considering how he deals with siblings who displease him. I'm sure the fate of her brother Kim Jong-nam didn't escape her notice.

It would be incredible that the hypocrites who celebrate Colin Kapernick and his mates for refusing to stand during the US national anthem criticized Pence for his remaining seated during the playing of the North Korean anthem if it wasn't so typical of these twits.

Previously a member attempted to rebut allegations such as Shapiro has leveled against the MSM by arguing that the MSM is simply reporting factually on the events surrounding Deal Sister of the Dear Leader, and that many South Koreans are very excited and happy about the presence of the NK delegation. Unfortunately, that's pretty much nonsense. It is not factual that Kim "outflanked" Pence, that NK is winning the gold medal for diplomacy, or that the NK cheerleading bots have stolen the show. At best, these are the opinions of the fools who voiced them and anyone who believes they were voiced in the course of routine reporting and not intended to fire a shot at Trump & Pence is a fellow fool of the journalists or disingenuous.

As for the South Korean reaction to this cynical political theater, I've no doubt that a great many South Koreans who on a daily basis face the fear and anxiety of knowing that a neighboring nation has an entire enormous and deadly arsenal pointed right at them, are very much inclined towards grasping whatever straws are offered them. Add to this the fact that a great many of them have family imprisoned in the North who they might actually get to see again if there were normalized relations between the two Koreas (never mind reunification), and it's not difficult to imagine a positive reaction to anything that might provide hope. I have to believe though that in the quiet of their living rooms or kitchens, the average South Korean family has not been deluded by the presence of the stylish and laconic Ms. Kim or 200 or so peppy young Korean women who are either the daughters of the regime's elite or whose parents are being held as virtual hostages against their return to the Motherland.

To be fair not everyone in the Liberal Media is a prime example of an Useful Idiot as is evidenced by this piece in "The Atlantic" by Krishnadev Calamur. I have to believe Mr. Calamur is not a huge fan of Donald Trump or Mike Pence (hard to imagine any editor at NPR or The Atlantic might be) and while he is nowhere near as scathing as Shapiro in his remarks about his fellow reporters, he clearly has not allowed whatever opinions of the Administration, he might have, to lead him to engaging in their pathetic behavior.


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Tue 13 Feb, 2018 07:38 pm
Every member of Intelligence community came before Congress today and all agreed Russia is continuing to interfere with the US electoral process. tRump won't do anything and Congress as a whole won't either. Why? They are all Republican and Russia is only leaning on Democrats. The obvious enemy of repukes is dems. Go figure! Get your guns boys, fighting in the streets soon.....
Real Music
Tue 13 Feb, 2018 08:08 pm
Trump’s Budget Cuts Trillions From Programs For The Needy
To Pay For His Tax Cuts

Tue 13 Feb, 2018 09:47 pm
@Real Music,
This is incredibly cruel. I wonder if he'll ever pay a price for this. If ever.
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Tue 13 Feb, 2018 09:52 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I agree with the general message of your post. No one in the media should fawn over the North Korean regime, whose human rights violations are horrendous. Speaking as one who detests Trump, trying to use a sinister figure like Kim Yo Jong to put Trump down simply won't work.
Tue 13 Feb, 2018 09:53 pm
Well, I guess I've made everyone mad now.
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Finn dAbuzz
Tue 13 Feb, 2018 10:01 pm
Kudos to Julia Reinstein and David Mack at Buzzfeed

Tue 13 Feb, 2018 10:03 pm
No one in the media should fawn over the North Korean regime, whose human rights violations are horrendous.

Whatever those human rights violations actually are, wmwcjr, you have to remember that all the info you get comes thru the gigantic US propaganda mill.

And they can't compare to the human right violations of the USA since 1900, or even since WWII.

The Korean War: The “Unknown War”. The Coverup of US War Crimes


The Korean War, a.k.a. the “Unknown War,” was, in fact, headline news at the time it was being fought(1950-53). Given the Cold War hatreds of the combatants, though, a great deal of the reportage was propaganda, and much of what should have been told was never told. News of the worst atrocities perpetrated against civilians was routinely suppressed and the full story of the horrific suffering of the Korean people—who lost 3-million souls of a total population of 23-million— has yet to be told in full.

Though the North Koreans had a reputation for viciousness, according to Cumings, U.S. soldiers actually engaged in more civilian massacres. This included dropping over half a million tons of bombs and thousands of tons of napalm, more than was loosed on the entire Pacific theater in World War II, almost indiscriminately.

Tue 13 Feb, 2018 10:04 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You must have found some propaganda that tickled your fancy, eh, Finn? You do love your propaganda!
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 13 Feb, 2018 11:51 pm
Out of curiosity, what specific message(s) in my post do you not agree with?

If fawning over the Kim regime is reprehensible aren't the people doing so reprehensible as well?
Wed 14 Feb, 2018 12:01 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Who is fawning over anyone in the Kim regime?
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Wed 14 Feb, 2018 01:02 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I guess the North Korean pairs figure skaters did well enough to not be executed.

They're not in medal contention, but they were pretty good. A lot better than I expected from North Korea.
Wed 14 Feb, 2018 05:07 am
glitterbag wrote:
Who is fawning over anyone in the Kim regime?

This is so typical of the anti-MSM crowd. If you don't mention the Fat Boy's crummy haircut then you must be a subversive Commie or a clueless dupe.
Ben Shapiro wrote:
For two years, we’ve heard from the media that we mustn’t “normalize” the Trump administration. Now they’re normalizing a regime with one of the worst human-rights records on the planet.

No, they're really not. One gets the impression that these people believe the audience should have booed the NK athletes and representatives. Childish.
BS wrote:
one that murdered American Otto Warmbier

No one in the US media (including the biased right-wing media) knows enough about that event to be using Warmbier's death for propaganda purposes. Cheap.
BS wrote:
created a modern gulag system for dissidents

This is what dictatorships do. Duterte has his methods. Kabila has his. And while all have been condemned repeatedly in the media and by governments no action has been taken. It's easy to criticize and complain but no one seems to want to do anything else. Maybe they'd prefer anarchy? Ho hum.
BS wrote:
let hundreds of thousands of its own citizens starve to death.

How would the USA do under similar conditions?
wiki wrote:
Only about 20% of North Korea's mountainous terrain is arable land. Much of the land is only frost-free for six months, allowing only one crop per year. The country has never been self-sufficient in food, and many experts considered it unrealistic to try to be.

Diplomatically isolated, the country is in a bind. The regime is barely functional. Everyone knows this. Only the right-wing media thinks every bit of coverage has to include a condemnation of the shithole country and insult its ruler.
Finn wrote:
It would be incredible that the hypocrites who celebrate Colin Kapernick and his mates for refusing to stand during the US national anthem criticized Pence for his remaining seated during the playing of the North Korean anthem if it wasn't so typical of these twits.

Why? Because NK has something to do with the oppression of rich white people? The two situations have absolutely nothing in common. But the right must get in its little digs every time it possibly can. Ooh — "Colin Kapernick!" — that's red meat for the Fox audience, with all sorts of nice racial reverberations to echo around in their empty heads.

You're right to bring this up because it's so typical of mediocre political commentary on both sides. As I said the other day, "it's analogous to cows chewing cud while awaiting entrance to fresh pasture." here Such stories practically write themselves. Adopt a breezy manner, reference a few sacred touchstones, lob a few insults, make a few accusations, sum up with some overwrought attempt to tie it all together and make it part of some vast historical conspiracy. Perfect example right here:
Ben Shapiro wrote:
Mix the pure awe the media feel at collectivist displays with more than a touch of fetishism of the exotic, and then combine that with media antipathy to limited-government principles, and you get a peculiar warmth toward some of the worst people on earth. That warmth was on full display in South Korea. The media may blame Trump for their unpopularity, but their unpopularity preceded Trump. If they keep up with this sort of nonsense, it will long outlast him as well.

This is pure drivel. BS is trying to make a point which will resonate for the ages over some insignificant cultural event which will be forgotten in a matter of weeks. But no matter. It makes rightists feel that their side is hard at work fighting for America's freedom while running up deficits and planning military parades. "Look over there everyone, look what the liberals are doing!"

Oh, in case people might think I never have anything good to say about the president, he's shown himself to be a great guy by paying off his porn star girlfriend out of his own pocket!

Wed 14 Feb, 2018 05:20 am
If Kim said Trump could open up another resort in Pyongyang, Finn's tongue would be up his arse in a shot.

If these hypocrites care so much about human rights they should do something about the amount of Americans who die needlessly because of inadequate healthcare. They don't because all they care about is getting their snouts in the trough.

The lickspittles may believe all the sound and fury, but the rest of us have more sense.
Wed 14 Feb, 2018 08:14 am
I guess the North Korean pairs figure skaters did well enough to not be executed.

They're not in medal contention, but they were pretty good. A lot better than I expected from North Korea.

Better watch out, oralloy, you are in danger of fawning for NK.

0 Replies
Wed 14 Feb, 2018 08:50 am
If these hypocrites care so much about human rights they should do something about the amount of Americans who die needlessly because of inadequate healthcare.

It isn't about Americans, Izzy, it is about the 75 years of terrorism and war crimes committed against the people of Korea, both from the north of the country and the south.

The US was the one that brought nuclear weapons to the Korean peninsula in 1958, in contravention of the agreement. It is always the US who commits the war crimes, the terrorism along with its lap dog poodle, the UK.

What about the US/UK planned genocide of Iraqis in the 1990s?

Your common sense has failed you badly, as it has the vast majority of UKers, USians. You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see the nanothermite or the molten/vaporized WTC steel given your blindness. One of the greatest crimes ever, done to foment anger for even greater crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

0 Replies
Wed 14 Feb, 2018 10:02 am
WASHINGTON — Russia is already meddling in the midterm elections this year, the top American intelligence officials said on Tuesday, warning that Moscow is using a digital strategy to worsen the country’s political and social divisions.

Russia is using fake accounts on social media — many of them bots — to spread disinformation, the officials said. European elections are being targeted, too, and the attacks were not likely to end this year, they warned.


What is with this weird "disconnect"?

Trump (and presumably a good number of his supporters and apologists) appear to believe Putin's denial that anything like this is happening — or ever happened. The self-described great "dealmaker" apparently assumes that his ex-KGB buddy Vlad would never lie to him or countenance such activity. I honestly don't understand the hold Russia seems to have on this guy's imagination. Any theories?

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