Lash wrote:You can’t possibly believe something so simplistic.
Why not? It's true.
Lash wrote:There is a long, ruthlessly embarrassing history between our country and the people of the Middle East.
I see no cause for embarrassment.
Lash wrote:I used to hate it when people would throw down an encyclopedia full of **** as a part of a conversation.
I don’t expect you to read this now, but if you want to speak about this issue with any real credibility, you must know this first. If you decide to read it and verify the facts presented and then respond, I’ll be glad to talk about it.
I already know about it. I also already have real credibility on this issue. But I'll be happy to respond to the article.
Lash wrote:I strongly prefer that these things weren’t true, but that’s an asinine world to live in.
Actually one of them
isn't true. The Iran coup nonsense in that article is a work of fiction.
Anyway, here is my response to the article:
The article's first complaint is that we protect the world's oil supply from being controlled by evil dictators. That is actually a good thing. It also fits with my point about the US being a positive force in the region.
The article's second complaint is about the Iranian coup. However, its description of the coup is a work of fiction.
In reality the primary drivers of the 1953 coup were the same Iranian clerics who rule Iran today. Outsiders played only a minor role.
The US also started off trying to mediate and avoid the coup, and only switched to supporting the coup when it was clear that the Iranian clerics were going to overthrow their government with or without us.
The article also neglects to mention the fact that British claims to the oil were legitimate. It was wrong for Iran to steal the UK's oil, and reasonable for the UK to want to act against this theft.
The article's next complaint is Israel. Half the article is whining about Israel. Suffice it to say that Israel are the good guys, and the Arabs are evil aggressors who will not stop attacking Israel. The US is completely in the right on this front.
The article's next complaint was the Suez crisis. The US certainly isn't to blame for that. That's down to France and the UK.
France and the UK had a legitimate grievance. It is wrong for Arabs to steal other people's property, and quite reasonable for people to act against their theft when they do so.
The article's last complaint (besides returning to Israel over and over again) is that the US opposed Communism. That as well was a good thing. The Soviets were a malign power out to destroy us.
So in summary, the article is wrong about the 1953 Iranian coup. Otherwise it refers to incidents where the US was a force for the cause of good.