Quote:Based on past experience, I believe the WH is telling the truth.
Your tongue in cheek is tickling your ear, blatham.
You know it's really really odd, you all know how dishonest all US administrations have been, what liars, war criminals, terrorists have been in US office, but, and this is phantasmagorical in its tenor, so many of you pretend to believe the US government story about 911, when it has zero actual evidence to support it.
And myriad impossibilities within it, any one of which is enough to sink the fable.
Another totally phantasmagorical thing, all the people who won't talk about it, won't even think about it, won't even mention it, are the very people who hold the position that they, being of open and free western societies, brag about being those open and free societies, constantly knock other countries for not being free and open, are solidly totalitarian on this gigantic issue, 911, thee ONE that has the world in its present state today and, in all likelihood, for some time to come.
Is this really how y'all want to live your lives, under this kind of a closed society?
Trump stated that he would really get to the truth if he was elected president.
Have y'all heard lots about this? How come no one is discussing Trump's promise on 911?
Here we are, of the free and open western group, the ones who lecture other about how backward they are! Really crazy, isn't it?