blatham wrote:
Quote:The Russian meddling became a story that rose to national attention largely because, one can argue, it worked.
That's a smart point, Walter. I'm rather embarrassed that it hadn't really hit home until I read that sentence.
One can argue quite a lot of things while still being full of shite.
I would contend that a much more credible argument is that the story rose to national attention because the prohibitive favorite in the election lost and rather than blaming her or her campaign it was much more convenient to blame the Russians.
This assertion was, at the same time, very useful in disputing the legitimacy of Trump's victory. A real twofor.
Yes, you can argue that in the absence of leaked DNC and Podesta e-mails that confirmed a great many people's worst opinions of Clinton and the Democrats that Hillary would have won, but it would be a very weak argument indeed.
The Russians may have engineered the leaks but they couldn't engineer voters' response to them.
As you know there is absolutely no evidence that the Russians managed to manipulate vote counts and there is no one in a position to know for certain who alleges any such thing happened.
So how exactly did the
Russian meddling work?
The much talked about Russian trolls pervading American social media convinced vast numbers of Clinton supporters or those on fence to vote for Trump?
Wild attempts at disinformation such as the pedophile ring operating in a DC pizza place convinced vast numbers of Clinton supporters or those on the fence to vote for Trump?
Revelations of the antics of the DNC and the Clinton Campaign that merely reinforced what a vast number of people already believed convinced vast numbers of Clinton supporters or those on the fence to vote for Trump?
It certainly appears that the Russians did attempt to meddle in the election as they have attempted in numerous prior elections here and abroad, and as the US has attempted in foreign elections.
Arguing that they were successful in actually engineering a result that would not otherwise have happened is simply not credible and plays into the Democrat's design to deflect blame from their inept standard bearer and her arrogant and incompetent campaign staff.
It is also quite obviously an effort to cast a shadow on Trump's victory. I've no doubt that a great swathe of Clinton Lovers and/or Trump Haters believe, like you, that the Russians were successful, but I also doubt that the Democrat powers that be actually believe it to be the case. Of course they're not going to admit it because the
argument is doing such a good job of giving Trump and the Republicans fits. (Just ask maporche)