oh, Timber, don't tell me you didn't already know
I'm going for polite, dignified silence here.
<snicker snicker teehee teeeheee teehee>
Polite dignified silence? Chicken!!!! bicbouq beegbough bicboug
My English grandmother, a mere four foot eight of impeccable housekeeping and the sweetest creature to ever walk the land, would likely have put a doilie on her toilet seat had the idea ever occured to her.
So, Blatham, it runs in the family then?
So where are the politically savy women? In hiding, with heads down.
Miss Lola
You presume too much. We have entirely done away with toilet seats here in my house, switching over to size 9 Rubbermaid funnels, which do not well accomdate doiles, unless glued.
Since this thread began, a very interesting change has occured in the gender mix of posters on the war-related threads. If you go to the US, UN and Iraq threads (2), you'll see that posts by females now outnumber those by males. This is a reversal of the original proportions.
I've noticed the gender shift, too, blatham ... I think its pretty cool. The feminine persapectives are a welcome addition. Most of the estrogen crew seem relatively undeterred by the waves of testosterone.
not just "undeterred," but enjoying the ambience of the waves of testosterone........beautiful phrase
Feel that testosterone might be light light...sometimes behaving as wave, sometimes as a solid.
I am not a particularly "politically savvy female".
But tonight I heart Bill Mayer call the president a study in "bi-polarity" and I agree with him. Then he cited three instances of speech, where GB said one thing, and then later, the exact opposite. And that was just a smattering of the proof, according to him.
I hope politically inclined people can DO SOMETHING to get us off this "hook" .
good grief.
It is interesting that even in this day and age, the political world, in all respects is dominated by men. Why do we think that is?
Obviously its not coz they're any more savy then us chicks (tee hee)...
Women are too frail for political discussion. They belong in the home. If you love your woman, you will beat her daily!
Obviously you've never had a real woman...i wonder why?
To a very great extent, you are correct, politics is still dominated by men. By way of contrast, I was very pleased to see, in the coverage of the recent Spirit landing on Mars and the interviews with scientists involved, that so many of them were women - and often in supervisory positions.
I suspect there are good studies addressing how women have come to be included in the sciences, and I suspect it is directly related to policies at the university level which mandate female enrollment.
In politics, I'd back such mandatory rules in a flash.
Yes, perhaps you're right. Go back to grass roots and get chicks interested in politics and current affairs in lower high school or even before.
I know for a fact you can only do politics (here in Australia) in your final year. Although you can do civics subject prior to this.
I know hobitbob...its a sarcastic, cynical world....but what can we do but laugh!! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!! :wink:
Cayla, real women are scary...I prefer the Buffybot!

Seriously, though, I find that the political figures I respect the most have been women, namely Pat Schroeder and Hillary Clinton.