Tue 28 Jan, 2003 06:41 pm
One of the things that I have noticed, is that the Politics Forum is most populated by the menfolk in the crowd. There are a few of us gals who chime in once in awhile, but basically the Politics Forum is a masculine bastion.
Ladies and gentlemen, why do you think that women are so underrepresented in the Political threads? I know that many women have as strong opinions as men in the area of politics. Why aren't more women getting involved in the discussions?
Phoenix, I put in my 2 cents on subjects that interest me.....
Me too once in awhile but I think the threads are sometimes difficult to keep track of with all the use of the quote function, i.e., you said this in response to my statement about that and then this other person stated. Sometimes it seems like a whole reply is what one person who posted two pages ago said.
the truth?
hmmm, well first off, i'd have to tell the truth there and i think there are more than a few male egos there that couldn't handle it. i'm not in the mood to deal with male hissy fits when it's my time i'm spending.
secondly, it's too much of a game. i think there are posters here and on a few other forums i go to, who have no idea that they're talking about a real world when they're posting. political debate is a fine game for some but it often reads like good old mental masturbation. i'm not into it. for the most part, i'd rather be out in the real world when it comes to politics.
hmmmm, most of the above applies specifically to u.s. political discussions. is that awful of me to think? could be. another reason to stay away - part of that new year's resolution i posted somewhere around here.
You go girl what you have said it is not awful it is the truth - life is to short to engage in endless restaments of opinion.
ehBeth, I couldn't have said it better. In fact, I couldn't have said it that well in the first place.
I read the political threads sometimes, but I don't think I have what it takes to match wits with the men. Also, it seems like women who are vocal frequently get clobbered.
chat, that's not what Beth's saying. She's saying they don't have the wits to match her in a debate.
crikey! Did you all check out the last page or 2 (139, 140) of "The US, the UN, and Iraq"? Maybe more women should go into the threads to keep the guys there too busy tripping over their shuffling feet.....
ehBeth- Good point. I am sure that there is a lot of interesting Canadian political stuff that people not living in Canada might be interested in. Have you thought of creating a few threads about that? I know next to nothing about Canadian politics, and would be interested in learning about it!
In the words of Walt Disney, "It's a Small World After All". I think that it is important that we all understand how people from all parts of the globe think about their own countries' issues, and how they interrelate with other areas of the world!
Please notice that I have added another option to the poll!
Well see there? I can't even read right. No wonder I don't mess with that mess!
bravo beth...just tell it like it is...thanks for saying whats on the minds
I have tried a couple of the political threads and contributed some, but for the most part, I feel the men just love talking to themselves. Beth is soooo right about the "mental masturbation" that occurs most of the time!

I don't feel intimidated by the men, I just don't feel like "mixing it up" with them. Like ebeth...I got bettah things to do with my time!
ok, you caught me. I'm a gemini, and i was using both of my minds.
Phoenix - your final option is pretty close to what i was after. It's not so much that i'm not interested in u.s. politics, or want to discuss canadian politics, but that i notice the political (using a very broad definition of the word) threads which are not about the u.s. seem to attract a more thoughtful, less emotional, less provocative response.
i 'take on' men all day at work. it's my job. i get paid to deal with male lawyers having hissy fits and to out-debate them. The virtual world is where i come to talk about art and underwear and mismatched socks and sometimes politics (but rarely american politics).
errrrrrr, canadian politics. i love it. i spent most of saturday driving around listening to an n.d.p. leadership convention. i felt as excited as when i was a kid and first discovered politics. you may be right, Phoenix, i'd like to discuss it - but my heart is in face to face combat mmmmmmm i mean debate, of course :wink:
... and i'm still having a hard time picking a poll option. i am here to have a good time (mostly) but i can't honestly say i find politics too heavy.
Now here is a very fitting irony....I feel quite intimidated about joining in on this thread.