Cayla wrote:Lol, i agree, 'real' women are scary!!
mmm, its a disapointing thing about Aussie politics, i can only think of one women who i respect in Federal politics anyway, and she now holds such a minor position.
The women with power in Aussie politics have become practically deformed. Our minister for womens affairs spent a half hour on the radio ranting about how women expect too much these days...what the hell!? Isn't she ment to be looking after our interests.
I don't know enough of US politics to judge
Cayla - I assume you speak of Carmen Lawrence, and Pru Goward?
Carmen is indeed a person of great skill and presence. She was, of course, destroyed in the Royal Commission in Perth, whether with some reason or not, I do not know. I do know that she was especially targeted because of the threat she presented to the Libs.
Her renaissance in federal politics was impressive - though I have no doubt she has been wounded, or wounded herself, too greatly ever to be PM. However, I do think her resignation from the shadow ministry was an act of great integrity (US folk - she resigned over the Labor policy on asylum seekers, which is perhap a degree, if that, better than the present government's) - however, in terms of power, I think it very significant that she has become Party President - and I hope she is able to use this position to effect change.
Pru Goward is not a minister - she was a media person. She is an EXTREMELY close friend of the Prime Minister's, and strongly aligned politically with him - and had no credentials for her current post except that, and her undoubted intelligence. Some would consider the appointment quite improper. I am one of those people.
I did not hear/read her comments, so I cannot comment on them, but she cannot be included in a list of deformed women politicians!
I do not consider most of the women politicians "deformed". Being a political animal is a hard and tough thing to be - it is I think still harder for women - especially as they reach ranks where they seriously compete with the men - because power is very attractive, if you are the sort of person who wants it, and the men are still not really used to having to compete with damned women, as well as each other! I think this will change - and is changing slowly.
Women like Joan Kirner ARE tough - and extremely political - but they are still perfectly decent human beings, who laugh and hurt and get pissed. In fact, interestingly, at both federal and state levels, the women - regardless of party, often combine to get certain things done, and have great respect for each other.
I do not know how you could call women like Penny Wong, for instance, deformed. Did you hear her maiden speech in the federal senate - it was a wonderful call for fairness and justice in immigration matters.
Actually, I do not consider all that many of the fellas "deformed" either - and I wonder if you are being harsher on the women, expecting them to be softer and such?
The ego thing is present in many of both sexes I think - it is hard, cos you have to be tough and have a tough ego to survive - this selects out for ego-maniacs of various kinds, I think.