@Robert Gentel,
You are right in a sense. All he said was that he needed to wait and see before conceded. I know that ticked a lot of people off, but it wasn't such an unreasonable thing to say. Assuming he really was concerned the election would be rigged, you don't have to agree with that concern to acknowledge that a wait and see approach wasn't heinous.
If after he lost and there was nothing to suggest a rigged election, it would have been atrocious if he didn't concede, but obviously that didn't happen so it's moot.
On the other hand, there were people taking to the streets and chanting expletives about the guy who won fair and square. Pardon me if I don't see their action as deserving of being called a protest. What the heck was there to protest against? That the election didn't turn out the way they wanted? It was temper tantrum from a segment of the population who think it is not only perfectly acceptable loudly stomp their feet and shake there fists at anything they don't like, but that it is somehow heroic and, of course, cool.
FB is filled with "Oh woe is me, you don't understand how much this hurts" posts. I bet it does hurt, but no more than it hurt conservatives when Obama won....twice!
This is far too typical of progressives for whom "feelings" are as or more important than fact based reason.
It is hypocritical too because we all know that if the roles were reversed, they would be sneering and saying "Typical of Trump and his supporters. If things don't go his way they whine and claim he was cheated."
Now of course a progressive argument will be that the disappointment that conservatives felt when Obama was elected was based on their racist fear and loathing of a black man in the White House, while the progressive's is based on a genuine fear of a racist in the White House.
There is no point in discussing anything with people who think like that.
As long as the street tantrums remain peaceful, they may be obnoxious but they are fine for babies who can't deal with their disappointment like adults. If the children throwing the tantrums aren't embarrassed by the crude language they are using...well, that's just a sad sign of the times.