Lash wrote:
TRUST ME, I am all too aware of which assholes are responsible for the post-truth era! Why do you think I hate them?
They invented public gaslighting--of course, it only works when the media is in your pocket. The anti-democratic combination of a Clinton in power enjoying the corrupt collusion of a subservient media trumps a Trump every time. The possible results are truly bloodchilling.
The News and Entertainment Media are extremely powerful forces in America and the Left has them both in the palm of it's sweaty hand.
Hollywood is a unique world of Drama Kings & Queens that is perfectly suited for the Emotion vs Reason zeitgeist of the progressive Left. Fortunately the harm it can cause is mitigated by it's obvious, pretentious inanity.
We're not so fortunate as respects the News media. It has what should be considered a sacred trust as the Fourth Estate, but it, for the most part, has become the lapdog of one hemisphere of the power structure in America. With this election, all pretense of objectivity disappeared, with some of it's leading lights actually admitting that they believed that it was their duty to jettison impartiality! Of course it was clear that it had lost it's journalistic integrity long ago, but the admission opened the door for it be a blatant advocate and weapon of the Left.
As a result, folks in the MSM have approval ratings below those of even the members of Congress, but they still retain a lot of power and the ability to be a disrupting force.
Thank God for what now some are calling The Fifth Estate, bloggers and online journalists who refuse to accept all of the lies published by their corrupt antecedent. So while the MSM happily accepted "fake news" stories like Dan Rather's fraudulent hit piece on GWB, the "bloggers' dug deeper and discovered the truth of Rather's, at best, gross negligence as a reporter. Still, disgraced and exiled by CBS, the unrepentant partisan hack is still trying to influence public thought, and, incredibly, is successful in some quarters.
Unfortunately the Fifth Estate operates in a world somewhat akin to the Wild West and there are plenty of hucksters spreading innuendo and outright falsehood, but there are enough sources with solid credentials to hold the MSM to the truth. It is also unfortunate, however, that they do not, at present, have the audience size of the corrupted MSM and there aren't enough Americans who care enough about the truth to question what they read in the NY Times or hear on CBS, NBC or ABC. Still the MSM and the Left (redundant I know) has them in their sights with all this staged paranoia about "fake news"
They tried as hard as they could to help Clinton defeat Trump and now, before he has even taken the oath of office, they are trying to hamstring his presidency. I have subscriptions to both the NYT and Washington Post and every morning my e-mail inbox is filled with "news" and opinion attacking Trump and his nominees and associates. Paul Waldman of WAPO is among the worst, actually going so far as to write that Trump's tweets were going to get someone killed! (Because of course his supporters are all violent "deplorables" that will tear to shreds anyone upon whom he sics them. And this is despite the fact that claims of racist and homophobic violence by these "deplorables" have repeatedly been shown to be hoaxes and even staged crimes.)
Now we see one simple example of the result of fomenting rage in their emotionally unstable audience. A premeditated, verbal assault by some unhinged miscreant; launched against Trump's daughter while she was on a plane with her children. Can you imagine how the MSM would be carrying on if a Trump supporter had done the same to Chelsea Clinton or, God Forbid, the Obama children? Instead the typical shameful response from the Left's media lapdogs is something like "I don't condone it [
i]but[/i] it's being blown out of proportion. Ivanka may be his daughter but she gives him advice and so is fair game."
There is no "but" in a situation like that.
I've said it before, Trump had better be the fighter everyone considers him because he has four years of war ahead of him, and the Secret Service better remain especially diligent because I'm sure there's more than one insane person out there who has been led to believe he or she will be saving not only America but the world by eliminating Donald Trump.
What is really sick, is that if such a horrible crime was committed there would be a legion of people who would never commit it themselves but will secretly rejoice; all the while weakly condemning the act and finding as many "buts" as they can. I'm absolutely convinced of this but pray I'm never proven correct.
It's going to get worse before it ever gets better.