Builder wrote:
Quote:Trump pissed the popular vote and declared the election was rigged, thus he himself has pissed the electoral votes which was the current result of the election.
Run that by us again? You're blaming the winner for winning, by blaming the system that gave them the win?
You've still not acknowledged that Clinton stated that it would be a kick in the teeth of the public, to not accept the results of the election.
No, you don't understand, Builder. This election, probably the worst in American history, produced no victor. Both Ms. Clinton and Mr. Trump are losers.
As a President-elect, one should have understood in the first place that it is the victory of America, the victory of the People. Without America, which is built on the Constitution, one is nobody; and without the People, one can do nothing. Rather than being the preserver, protector and defender of the Constitution, Mr. Trump insulted half the country and has been leading his supporters away from the spirit of the Constitution. He's no winner here.
As Alexander Hamilton and James Madison had pointed out two hundred years ago what is the true spirit of the Electoral College, we will see on December 19 the true result of the election and see where America will be going.