There are two ways to show you that you are wrong. I don't know which one to try... so I will start with both and you can pick which direction interests you more.
1. There is no reporting of the news that is unbiased. The term "unbiased" simply means that it matches your bias (everyone considers their own point of view to be the only unbiased logical way to think about news). Any news organization needs to decide which news is important, and any realistic telling of a news story comes from a perspective with implicit understanding between the journalist and the reader. This is the nature of the news.
2. If you wanted to eliminate "bias" from the news (i.e. make sure that all the news comes from a perspective that you consider "unbiased") you need to have a way to detect and distinguish bias. How do you propose we do this? Would government regulate the news? Would the courts?
Do you see the problem here?